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Confederate (CSV)


George H. Elwell

Home State: Mississippi

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: 2nd Mississippi Infantry Battalion

On the Campaign

He enlisted as a Private and joined Company E, 2nd Mississippi Battalion at Frederick, MD on 8 September 1862 (enrolled by Major W.S. Wilson).

The rest of the War

He was detailed briefly to the brigade Commissary officer, then back with his Company by the end of November 1862. He was transferred to Company A on 1 May 1863 and was promoted to Sergeant on 1 March 1864. He was captured at Spotsylvania Court House, VA on 12 May 1864 and a prisoner at Fort Delaware by 21 May. He took an oath of allegiance to the United States and was released on 21 October 1864, giving his residence as New York City. There is no later military record.

References & notes

His service from his Compiled Military Service Records,1 via fold3, filed under 48th Mississippi Infantry.

More on the Web

A request for his release from Fort Delaware is the subject of a President Abraham Lincoln letter:

Sept. 20 [1864]. To Edwin M. Stanton, referring application of Malcolm Campbell for release of George H. Elwell ...
This from the Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 8, Appendix II, pg. 557, online from the University of Michigan. I've not yet found the text of that letter.


1   US War Department, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, Record Group No. 109 (War Department Collection of Confederate Records), Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1903-1927  [AotW citation 28970]