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Federal (USV)


James J. Monaghan

(c. 1837 - 1862)

Home State: New York

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: 42nd New York Infantry

Before Antietam

Age 22, he enlisted on Long Island, NY, mustered as a Private in Company I, 42nd New York Infantry on 22 June 1861, and transferred to Company K on 28 June. He was promoted to Sergeant, date not given.

On the Campaign

He was First Sergeant of Company K and was mortally wounded in the head, his left parietal bone fractured, in action at Antietam on 17 September 1862.

The rest of the War

He was initially treated at the field hospital on the Susan Hoffman farm at Sharpsburg, where his skull was trephined. He was transferred and admitted to a US Army hospital in Frederick, MD on 22 (or 25) September, then semi-conscious, his right side paralyzed. He was largely comatose at his death there of wounds on 29 September 1862. He was 25 years old.

References & notes

His service from the State of New York,1 which does not mention his Antietam wound and says he died of disease. Wound and hospital details from the Patient List 2 and his case study in the MSHWR.3 His rank at Antietam from a casualty list in the New York Daily Herald of 25 September 1862, which says he was killed outright; as Jas. Monahan.


c. 1837


09/29/1862; Frederick, MD


1   State of New York, Adjutant-General, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York [year]: Registers of the [units], 43 Volumes, Albany: James B. Lyon, State Printer, 1893-1905, For the Year 1900, Ser. No. 23, p. 1033  [AotW citation 30115]

2   National Museum of Civil War Medicine, and Terry Reimer, Frederick Patient List, Published 2018, first accessed 17 September 2018, <>, Source page: patient #4.338  [AotW citation 30116]

3   Barnes, Joseph K., and US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 6 books, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1870-1883, Volume 2, Part 1, p. 273  [AotW citation 30117]