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Federal (USV)


Arthur Orlando Terry

(1844 - 1907)

Home State: Connecticut

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: 8th Connecticut Infantry

Before Antietam

From Enfield, not yet 17 years old, he enlisted on 23 September 1861 and mustered as a Private in Company B, 8th Connecticut Infantry on 7 October.

On the Campaign

He suffered flesh wounds in the shoulder and chest, and gunshot to his head, and was captured in action at Antietam on 17 September 1862. His frontal (skull) bone was fractured.

The rest of the War

He was paroled and admitted to the US Army General Hospital at Camp B in Frederick, MD on 28 September and transferred to the Camden Street Hospital in Baltimore on 30 September. Pieces of bone were removed from his head by Surgeon A.W. Colburn, and he was discharged for disability on 19 (or 20) December 1862. A report of May 1864 noted "the [head] wound firmly healed" with disability "at one-third and temporary."

After the War

By 1880 and to at least 1900 he was a farmer at Longmeadow in Hampden County, MA.

References & notes

His service from the Record.1 Wound and hospital details from Major Ward's after-action report, the Patient List,2 and the MSHWR.3 Personal details from family genealogists and the US Census of 1880 & 1900. His gravesite is on Findagrave.

He married Eunice Laurinda Pease (1845-1945) in December 1865 and they had a son Louis (1870-1947).


10/17/1844; Enfield, CT


12/10/1907; Longmeadow, MA; burial in Longmeadow Cemetery, Longmeadow, MA


1   State of Connecticut, Adjutant General's Office, and AGs Smith, Camp, and Barbour, and AAG White, Record of Service of Connecticut Men in the Army and Navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion, Hartford: Press of the Case, Lockwood, and Brainard Company, 1889, p. 336  [AotW citation 30695]

2   National Museum of Civil War Medicine, and Terry Reimer, Frederick Patient List, Published 2018, first accessed 17 September 2018, <>, Source page: patient #602  [AotW citation 30696]

3   Barnes, Joseph K., and US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 6 books, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1870-1883, Vol. II, Part 1, p. 240  [AotW citation 30697]