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(1834 - 1863)
Home State: New York
Branch of Service: Medical
Unit: 18th New York Infantry
Before Antietam
Age 29, he enrolled in Albany on 11 August 1862 and mustered as Assistant Surgeon of the 18th New York Infantry on 18 August.
On the Campaign
He was with his regiment at Crampton's Gap on South Mountain, and afterward tended the wounded at a field hospital in Burkittsville, MD to about 20 October 1862. His diary notes for those first days:
Sunday 14 September 1862
Started at 5 1/2 PM
Engaged Rebels in Blue Ridge Mts above - terrible slaughter on Rebels side - loss 20 taken prisoner - Our Reg. lost 10 killed & 45 wounded. - The battle was a terrific awe[?] resulting in the withdrawal of the Rebels who lost a battle.
Monday 15 September
Was detailed to remain in the Hospital with Drs. Robertson[?], Oakley - N.J., Warren - Md. Attending to some 70 patients. The rebels lose [sic] again this PM. Board well with this new Hospital.
Tuesday 16 September
Our patients are doing very well. Amputated left arm for Sergt. Elkanah Y. [?] of 16th Reg. Succeeded very well and patient doing well - Hunt over the battle field and saw many dead rebels.
The rest of the War
He mustered out with his regiment on 28 May 1863 in Albany, and died there of typhoid fever on 11 October 1863.
More on the Web
His 1862 diary, source of the quotes above, and is in the collection of the New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center. It's online in page images and transcription thanks to New York Heritage.
05/1834; Troy, NY
10/11/1863; Albany, NY; burial in Saint Agnes Cemetery, Menands, NY
1 State of New York, Adjutant-General, Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York [year]: Registers of the [units], 43 Volumes, Albany: James B. Lyon, State Printer, 1893-1905, For the Year 1899, Ser. No. 19, p. 1028 [AotW citation 31275]