E.A. Hawkins
(1842 - 1864)
Home State: Georgia
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 4th Georgia Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
Son of wealthy planter Nathan Hawkins, in 1860 he was 18 years old and lived with his parents and siblings in Milledgeville, Baldwin County, GA. He enlisted on 2 April 1861 in Milledgeville and mustered as a Private in Company A, 4th Georgia Infantry on 1 May 1861 in Augusta. He transferred to Company G by August 1861 and to "H" by February 1862. He was elected 2nd Lieutenant on 28 or 29 April 1862 and promoted to First Lieutenant on 13 June.
On the Campaign
He was with his Company in Maryland in 1862.
The rest of the War
He resigned his commission in the 4th Georgia on 28 December 1862 and was commissioned First Lieutenant and aide-de-camp (ADC) on 23 April 1863 (to date from 28 December 1862) and assigned to the staff of Brigadier General Doles. He was promoted to Captain and Brigade Inspector on 2 November 1863 but was killed in action at the Wilderness, VA on 5 May 1864.
References & notes
His service from Thomas1 and his Compiled Service Records,2 online from fold3. Personal details from family genealogists and the US Census of 1850 and 1860. His gravesite is on Findagrave. His picture from a group photograph at the Library of Congress.
1842; Milledgeville, GA
05/05/1864; the WIlderness, VA
1 Thomas, Henry Walter, History of the Doles-Cook Brigade, Atlanta: Franklin Printing & Publishing Co., 1903, pp. 87, 157 - 164 [AotW citation 2670]
2 US War Department, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, Record Group No. 109 (War Department Collection of Confederate Records), Washington DC: US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 1903-1927 [AotW citation 29540]