J. W. Adams
(1812 - 1899)
Home State: New York
Command Billet: Commanding Regiment
Branch of Service: Infantry
Unit: 67th New York Infantry
Before Antietam
He was enrolled at the US Military Academy at West Point in 1830, but resigned without graduating in 1832 to begin work as assistant engineer. He worked as such for a number of railroads in the Northeast, and by 1846 had run the Boston water works, and was superintending engineer of the Erie railway. He moved to Kentucky in 1852 with the Central railroad, later the Memphis and Ohio. In 1856 he designed and supervised the first large scale urban sewer system in America in Brooklyn. In 1860 he was engineer of the water works at New Haven, Connecticut1.
In June 1861 he entered service as Colonel of the 67th New York (1st Long Island) Volunteers. He was wounded in action at Fair Oaks, Virginia on 31 May 1862.2
On the Campaign
He was probably in command of the regiment in Maryland, but he may have still been absent, disabled by his wounding.
The rest of the War
He resigned his commission for health reasons on 20 October and returned to Brooklyn. In November he was authorized to recruit another regiment, to be the "2d Hawkins' Zouaves", for nine months' service (later 3 years). He was not apparently able to raise the full compliment of troops required, and in June 1863 his men were consolidated with several other units at Staten Island, NY, to become the 178th New York Regiment. Although on the roster, Colonel Adams did not see service with the 178th except for a period in July 1863 during the New York Draft riots.2
After the War
References & notes
Death and burial information from Find-a-grave, 3. His photograph is part of a group portrait of the officers of the 67th NY in the collection of the USAMHI.4
He was reported to be a cousin of President John Quincy Adams
"His son, Julius W. [Jr.], born in Westfield, Massachusetts, in April 1840, died in Brooklyn, New York, 15 November 1865, was graduated at West Point in 1861, served there as assistant instructor of infantry tactics till June 1862, was wounded and taken prisoner at Gaines's Mills, promoted captain in August 1862, and served at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, where he commanded a regiment, and the second battle of Cold Harbor, where he received wounds that caused his death".1
10/18/1812; Boston, MA
12/13/1899; Brooklyn, NY; burial in Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY
1 Fiske, John, and James Grant Wilson, editors, Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography, 6 vols., New York City: D. Appleton and Company, 1887-1889, Vol. 1, pg. 28 [AotW citation 337]
2 Phisterer, Frederick, New York in the War of the Rebellion, 6 volumes, Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1909-12 [AotW citation 338]
3 Dodge, Russ, and Jim Tipton (founder), A.J. Marik, et al., FInd A Grave, Published 1995, first accessed 01 January 2000, <http://www.findagrave.com/>, Source page: /cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=6041406&pt=Julius%20Adams [AotW citation 339]
4 US Army, Military History Institute (USAMHI), American Civil War (ACW) photographs, Military History Institute Photograph Database, Published c. 1998, first accessed 01 January 2005, <http://cdm16635.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/search/collection/p16635coll20/>, Source page: Image ID# RG98S-CWP21.8 [AotW citation 340]