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Confederate (CSV)


John Ross Langford

(1843 - 1863)

Home State: Georgia

Branch of Service: Infantry

Unit: 10th Georgia Infantry

Before Sharpsburg

He enlisted as Private, Company F, 10th Georgia Infantry on 11 May 1861.

On the Campaign

He was mortally wounded by gunshot to the right groin in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862, and was captured there.

The rest of the War

He was treated at a field hospital where his wound had scarred-over by 27 September. He was admitted to US Army General Hospital #1 in Frederick, MD on 27 October 1862 with extreme pain, having developed an aneurysmal pyriform tumor around his femoral artery. By 9 November the tumor had grown so large as to require surgery, which was successful. He was largely healed two weeks later, but developed gangrene, which was treated with acid. By 15 December he had no symptoms and was considered to be convalescing, and was "up and around the ward". However, he suddenly worsened on 11 March 1863, with arterial bleeding from his wound site and a high fever. He died from infection and bleeding on 15 March.

He was originally buried "on west side of cemetery [Mt. Olivet] at Frederick", and was probably reinterred at Hagerstown in about 1874.

References & notes

Burial information from Pruett1, with birth information from family genealogists online. Service from Henderson.2 Hospital and medical details from the MSHWR 3 and the Patient List.4 He is also listed among the Confederate soldiers buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery (source of his date of death) in Frederick, MD, and may still be there.


07/16/1843; Columbia County, GA


03/15/1863; Frederick, MD; burial in Washington Confederate Cemetery, Hagerstown, MD


1   Pruett, Samuel, and Poffenberger & Good, Greg Farino and Western Maryland Regional Library (WMRL), Washington Confederate Cemetery, possible burials, Hagerstown (MD): WHILBR, 2010  [AotW citation 4798]

2   Henderson, Lilian, compiler, Roster of the Confederate Soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865, 6 vols., Hapeville (GA): Longino & Porter, 1959-1964, Vol. 2, pg. 41  [AotW citation 21342]

3   Barnes, Joseph K., and US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 6 books, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1870-1883, Volume 2, Part 3. pp. 40-42  [AotW citation 21343]

4   National Museum of Civil War Medicine, and Terry Reimer, Frederick Patient List, Published 2018, first accessed 17 September 2018, <>, Source page: patient #5.344  [AotW citation 21344]