A. Randol
(1837 - 1887)
Home State: New York
Education: US Military Academy, West Point, NY, Class of 1860;Class Rank: 9
Command Billet: Battery Commander
Branch of Service: Artillery
Unit: 1st United States Artillery, Batteries E and G
see his Battle Report
Before Antietam
Brevet 2nd Lt 4th US Artillery 1 July 1860:
2nd Lt 1st US Artillery 22 Nov 1860, to 1st Lt 14 May 1861;
Transferred to 3rd US Artillery 14 Jan l861;
Promoted to Captain 11 Oct 1862;
Appointed Colonel of the 2nd NY Cavalry 23 Dec 1864;
Honorably mustered out of Volunteer service 23 June 1865;
Promoted Major in the 3rd US Artillery 19 Apr
Transferred to the 1st US Artillery 5 May 1882.
References & notes
Source: Heitman, Francis Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army 1789-1903, Washington, US Government Printing Office, 1903.
More on the Web
Also, see more about him at Find-a-grave, and a picture.
10/23/1837 in NY
5/7/1887; San Fransisco, CA; burial in San Francisco National Cemetery, CA