C.D. Owen
(1842 - 1915)
Home State: Rhode Island
Education: Brown University
Command Billet: Battery Commander
Branch of Service: Artillery
Unit: 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery G
see his Battle Report
Before Antietam
A 19 year old student in Providence, Providence, he dropped out of Brown University and enlisted on 6 June 1861 as Sergeant, Battery A, First Rhode Island Light Artillery. He was commissioned First Lieutenant on 14 August 1861 and Captain of Battery G on 21 December 1861.
On the Campaign
He commanded the Battery in Maryland
The rest of the War
He resigned his commission on 24 December 1862 to go home on "business matters." Captain Charles H. Morgan of the II Corps Artillery saw it differently and wrote, "Owen lost interest in the battery."
After the War
He was in the mercantile business as a "woolen manufaturer" in Providence.
References & notes
Some details above and the photograph of the Captain kindly provided by researcher Robert Grandchamp; the original photo is in Aldrich.1 His service dates from the Adjutant General's Register of Rhode Island Volunteers 1861-1865 via the Historical Data Systems database. His gravesite is on Findagrave.
10/08/1842; Providence, RI
03/24/1915; Providence, RI; burial in Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, RI
1 Aldrich, Thomas M., The History of Battery A, First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery, in the War to Preserve the Union, 1861-1865, Providence: Snow & Farnham, Printers, 1904 [AotW citation 694]