H. Pleasants
Home State: Pennsylvania
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Antietam
He was in Company C.
The rest of the War
Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on 20 September 1862.
1 Gould, Joseph, The Story of the Forty-eighth : a Record of the Campaigns of the Forty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry ..., Philadelphia: Regimental Association, 1908, pp. 82 - 90, 400 - 460 (rosters) [AotW citation 5398]
2 Bosbyshell, Oliver Christian, The 48th in the War: being a Narrative of the Campaigns of the 48th Regiment, Infantry, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, during the War of the Rebellion, Philadelphia: Avil Print. Co., 1895, pg. 74 [AotW citation 5401]