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(1836 - 1912)
Home State: North Carolina
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
Previously a student at the Lenoir Collegiate Institute (Lenoir County, NC), he enlisted in Company A, 3rd North Carolina Infantry on 25 April 1861 in Greene County.
On the Campaign
He was wounded in action on 17 September 1862 at Sharpsburg.
The rest of the War
He was in Richmond's General Hospital #6 until September 24, 1862. Records indicated he was Court-Martialled in February 1862 - possibly for leaving his post, sentenced to hard labor, but released in May. He was again wounded in action at Chancellorsville, VA on 3 May 1863, shot in the thigh, femur broken. He was in Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond as late as July. He was on furlough and in and out of hospitals in North Carolina due to wounds until returning to duty in December 1864. He was again in hospital, at High Point, NC at the end of the War, and paroled there on 1 May 1865.
After the War
During or after 1870 he moved his family to Lonoke, Arkansas. He had been a Methodist pastor and circuit riding preacher and later practiced medicine in Chapel Hill, AR. He was "stricken with paralysis" for the last seven years of his life.
References & notes
Basic service information from Moore1. Further details from Mitchell family research and his gravesite on Findagrave - also source of a fine post-War photo. Details from the Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Lenoir Collegiate Institute (1858). Thanks to g-g-grandson D. Pogue for the pointer to him.
05/20/1836; Greene County, NC
02/15/1912; Chapel Hill, AR; burial in Chapel Hill Cemetery, DeQueen, AR
1 Moore, John Wheeler (compiler), and State of North Carolina, Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States, 4 volumes, Raleigh: Ashe & Gatling, State Printers and Publishers, 1882, Vol. 1, pp. 83 - 84 [AotW citation 6000]