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(1840 - 1916)
Home State: North Carolina
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
Age 22, from Wayne County, he enlisted there on 15 July 1862 as Private, Company G, 3rd North Carolina Infantry.
On the Campaign
He was wounded and captured in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862.
The rest of the War
He asked to not be paroled or exchanged and took the oath of allegiance to the United States at Sharpsburg on 27 September 1862.
After the War
He was a farmer at Fork, Wayne County, NC by 1880 and to at least 1900.
References & notes
His service from Moore1 and the Roster.2 Personal details from family genealogists, at least one of whom has him as George Washington Pipkin, and the US Census of 1880 and 1900. His gravesite is on Findagrave.
He's also listed as having served in "Bridgers' Company" of Clark's Special Battalion, North Carolina Militia, probably for local defense, but no dates are given, so it could have been before or after his time in the 3rd Infantry.
He married Temperance "Tempie" Bridgers (1852-1931) in March 1871 and they had 7 children.
03/09/1840; Wayne County, NC
01/25/1916; Fork, NC; burial in Francis Bridgers, Princeton, NC
1 Moore, John Wheeler (compiler), and State of North Carolina, Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States, 4 volumes, Raleigh: Ashe & Gatling, State Printers and Publishers, 1882, Vol. 1, pp. 106 - 107 [AotW citation 6121]
2 Manarin, Louis H., and Weymouth Tyree Jordan, Matthew M Brown, Michael W Coffey, North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865 : A Roster, 20 Volumes +, Raleigh: North Carolina State Department of Archives and History, 1966- [AotW citation 25934]