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(1841 - 1862)
Home State: North Carolina
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
Age 20, from a farm family in Statesville, he enlisted there as Private, Company C, 48th North Carolina Infantry on 26 February 1862.
On the Campaign
He was mortally wounded by a gunshot or piece of shell in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862 and captured there.
The rest of the War
He was probably treated at a Federal field hospital near the battlefield then briefly in a US Army hospital in Frederick, MD on 10 - 11 October before he was transferred to Baltimore. He was paroled at Fort McHenry on 13 October and sent on to Fortress Monroe, then to Aiken's Landing, VA on 17 October for exchange. He wrote home on 19 October 1862 from Chimborazo Hospital #4 in Richmond, VA:
... it is with a heavy and sorrowful heart, to inform you that I am at Richmond, wounded & am also in bad health but it is seems only to be the diarea and I think I am likely to get better of that soon. I was wounded the 17th ult. of last month at the Battle of Antietam in my left leg in the back part opposite the knee by by a piece of a burn shell but the wound has nearly heald up but my knee is very stiff yet but I can go on crutches. I will inform you that I was a prisoner with the Yankees untill 16th when we were brought acros our lines to Richmond. We were brought round from Baltimore on water to [Aiken's] landing and thence to Rich ...He died there from gangrene of his wound on 14 December 1862.
Dear Father and Mother the horrors of that days battle I shall not attempt to describe ... I know you have all nearly dispaird of ever hearing from me, but I hope and trust to God you may get this letter and it may releive you of your trouble once more I hope & trust to God that I will get to start home in a few days or at least the doctor says we will get to go. O that I only was at home now where I could get your kind treat ment but I will patiently wait may God grant my desire and wish.
References & notes
His service information from Moore1 and his Compiled Service Record, online via fold3. Wound and hospital details from the Patient List.2 His letter home, quoted here, is online from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
08/21/1841; Statesville, NC
12/14/1862; Richmond, VA
1 Moore, John Wheeler (compiler), and State of North Carolina, Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States, 4 volumes, Raleigh: Ashe & Gatling, State Printers and Publishers, 1882, Vol. 3, pp. 363 - 370 [AotW citation 6449]
2 National Museum of Civil War Medicine, and Terry Reimer, Frederick Patient List, Published 2018, first accessed 17 September 2018, <http://www.civilwarmed.org/explore/primary-sources/databases/frederickpatient/>, Source page: patient #833 [AotW citation 26118]