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(1836 - 1865)
Home State: Virginia
Education: Virginia Military Institute, Class of 1856
Command Billet: Battery Commander
Branch of Service: Artillery
Before Sharpsburg
After graduating from the Virginia Military Institute (1856) he went into business in Richmond, VA. In 1860 he was a 23 year old clerk living with his widowed mother and siblings in Richmond. On 25 April 1861 he was commissioned First Lieutenant of Battery B, 38th Battalion, Virginia Artillery (the Richmond Fayette Artillery). He was promoted to Captain on 24 September 1861.
On the Campaign
The battery was engaged against elements of General Franklin's Corps near Crampton's Gap on South Mountain on 14 September, where Colonel Montague of the 32nd Virginia Infantry later reported that
Captain Macon, the senior artillery officer, managed his guns most handsomely, and he and his juniors are entitled to all the credit of the occasion, if any is due.The battery was also in action at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862, but probably a detachment under command of Lieutenant Clopton, while Captain Macon remained at or near Bolivar Heights near Harpers Ferry, VA.
The rest of the War
He was killed near Appomattox Court House, VA on 8 April 1865, though not with the battery at the time.
References & notes
Service and other details from Moore.1 His duty on Bolivar Heights from Artillery Hell,2 citing Edwin Chamberlayne's War History... (1883). Personal details from family genealogists, the US Census of 1860, and Walker's Biographical Sketches of the Graduates and Eleves of the Virginia Military Institute ... (1875). His gravesite is on Findagrave.
He married Mary B. Burton (1845-) in December 1862.
1836; Hanover County, VA
04/08/1865; Appomattox County, VA; burial in Appomattox Confederate Cemetery, Appomattox CH, VA
1 Moore, Robert H. II, The Richmond Fayette, Hampden, Thomas, and Blount's Lynchburg Artillery, Lynchburg: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1991 [AotW citation 29562]
2 Johnson, Curt, and Richard C. Anderson, Artillery Hell: Employment of Artillery at Antietam, College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1995, pg. 86 [AotW citation 26265]