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(1837 - 1864)
Home State: North Carolina
Branch of Service: Infantry
Before Sharpsburg
He was just completing medical training as the War began in 1861. He enlisted in Company G, 24th North Carolina Infantry as a Private on 4 June 1861. He was detailed as Assistant Surgeon to a hospital (probably in Western Virginia) in Summer 1862, and was elected 2nd Lieutenant in his Company to rank from 8 May 1862.
On the Campaign
He was with his Company at Sharpsburg on 17 September 1862.
The rest of the War
He was promoted to First Lieutenant on 20 December 1862. He was mortally wounded in action on the morning of 2 June 1864. He died at a field hospital at Chester, VA the same day, age 27.
He passed unharmed through the battles around Richmond and at Sharpsburg, besides several other engagements. On the morning of June 2nd, he commanded a detail from his Regiment of about one hundred men, in a charge on the enemy's rifle pits [at Bermuda Hundred, VA] a few miles below Petersburg. Early in the action he was pierced through the hip by a minie ball, and died in about six hours. His remains were brought home, and now sleep in peace in the family cemetery by the side of a beloved sister.
References & notes
11/19/1837; Robeson County, NC
06/02/1864; Chester, VA; burial in McLean Cemetery, Maxton, NC
1 Moore, John Wheeler (compiler), and State of North Carolina, Roster of North Carolina Troops in the War Between the States, 4 volumes, Raleigh: Ashe & Gatling, State Printers and Publishers, 1882, Vol. 2, pp. 309, 310 [AotW citation 10046]