Commanding Officer on the Antietam Campaign:
Col. Jacob G. Frick
This Regiment's Chain of Command:
Army - Army of the Potomac
Corps - Fifth Army Corps
Division - 3rd Division, 5th Corps
Brigade - 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 5th Corps
Unit history
A 9-month regiment, five companies, A, B, E, G, and H, were recruited in Schuylkill county, four, C, F, and K, in Northampton, and one company, I, was recruited in Montgomery. They rendezvoused at Camp Curtin, where, on the 15th of August, 1862, a regimental organization was effected, with the following field officers:
- Jacob G. Frick, of Schuylkill county, Colonel;
- William H. Armstrong, of Northampton county, Lieutenant Colonel
- Joseph Anthony, of Schuylkill county, Major.
Colonel Frick had served with credit as Lieutenant in the Mexican War, and as Lieutenant Colonel of the Ninety-sixth Pennsylvania Regiment, until the 29th of July, 1862.
On the day following its organization, after having been hastily armed and equipped, it was hurried away to Washington, and on the 18th went into camp in the neighborhood of Alexandria. Company and regimental drill was early commenced, and by the active and intelligent efforts of its Colonel, the regiment rapidly attained a marked degree of efficiency.
On the Antietam Campaign
On the morning of the 14th, the brigade started on the march through Maryland, arrived at the Monocacy on the 16th, where it was halted, and on the 17th resumed the march to the sound of heavy cannonading, arriving early on the following morning on the field of Antietam. But the enemy had by this time retired, and the command soon after went into camp, where for six weeks, with the exception of an expedition up the Shenandoah Valley with the division, the regiment remained engaged in drill and unimportant picket duty.
Battlefield Tablets for this Unit
Tablet #19: Humphreys' Division, Fifth Army Corps - 14 Sep, 6 AM to 18 Sep, 7 AM
Tablet #33: Fifth Army Corps - 15 Sep, 2 PM to 16 Sep, 12 PM
After the Antietam Campaign
The Regiment was heavily engaged at the Battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville (though the time of many of the men had already expired by then), Col Frick later being awarded the Medal of Honor for those actions.
On the 12th, its term of service having fully expired, it returned to Harrisburg, where on the 18th of May it was mustered out. The return of companies to Easton and Pottsville was marked by flattering and enthusiastic demonstrations on the part of the citizens.
References & Notes
129th PA Infantry at Pennsylvania in the Civil War - text from Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.
We have 8 individuals in the AotW database who were on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:
Co. | Rank | Name | Casualty? | Details* |
A | Pvt | Adams, Richard | AWOL 09/17 | ![]() |
B | Pvt | Frederick, John | Died (d) 11/30 | ![]() |
C | Pvt | Seyfried, John | AWOL 09/17 | ![]() |
D | Pvt | Herger, Michael | Died (d) 11/17 | ![]() |
D | Pvt | Rudy, Joseph P. | Died (d) 11/04 | ![]() |
E | Pvt | Singly, Isaac | AWOL 09/17 | ![]() |
F | Pvt | Troch, John J. | AWOL 09/17 | ![]() |
F&S | Col | Frick, Jacob Gellert | ![]() ![]() |
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