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Antietam Battlefield Historical Tablet No. 97

Battery K, 5th US Artillery

2 PM 17 September to 6 PM 17 September

Lieut. William E. Van Reed, U.S.A., Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)
   Battery K, 5th U.S. Artillery, crossed the Antietam by the Middle Bridge and about 2 P.M., September 17, relieved Battery M, 2d U.S. Artillery, taking position on the ridge immediately north of this point. After the expenditure of 400 rounds of ammunition at 5 P.M., the Battery was relieved in turn, by Battery M. 2d U.S. Artillery, soon after which it recrossed the Antietam.

Location: north side of the Boonsboro Pike, east of Rodman Avenue (Map 4)


Units described and/or located by this Tablet:

        5th United States Artillery, Battery K

Source: Antietam Battlefield Board, Antietam Battlefield Board Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)



1   Antietam Board, Antietam Battlefield Commission Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)  [AotW citation 16883]

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