NOVEMBER 17, 1862.
August 16, 1862.-Assumed command of regiment; same day marched to Locust Grove; bivouacked three days. Resumed the march on 20th Junction on 26th ultimo; same day was engaged with the enemy. Destroyed railroad bridge over Bull Run. Returned to the Junction same night.
August 27.-Marched to Centreville, and from thence across Bull Run; supported Purcell Battery same evening, and moved down to railroad cut that night.
August 28.-Supported Braxton's battery in forenoon; marched to railroad cut in evening, and engaged the enemy until dark, retaining possession of the cut.
August 29.-Moved to the left of our position on Yesterday; engaged the enemy during the day, and advanced with Generals Pender's and Thomas' brigades in the evening, capturing the enemy's guns, &c.
August 30.-Marched toward Fairfax Court-House.
August 31.-Stationed on the left of division, and moved up to battlefield same night.
September 2.-Resumed the march, and on 4th ultimo turned over the command to Major J. H. Neal.
September 18.-Resumed command of regiment; recrossed the Potomac morning of 19th.
September 20.-Engaged the enemy at Shepherdstown, and same evening returned to bivouac.
September 21.-Resumed the march and bivouacked near Martinsburg; turned over the command to Major J. H. Neal.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain, Commanding Company A, Nineteenth Georgia Vols.
Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Page 1002 - 1003