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Capt Frank C Wilson's Official Report

Report of 1862

F. C. Wilson

[author biography]

--- 1862

Lieutenant W. H. THOMAS,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade.

SIR: I have to honor to report the following as the part taken in the action near Sharpsburg by the Twenty-seventh Regiment Virginia Volunteers:

After remaining all day [Sept 16th] in reserve, we were marched to the extreme left of the brigade and placed in position in an open field, supporting Captain Poague's battery, placed in our front. We were ordered to lie flat down, to escape the shells which then commenced passing over us in several directions. The enemy did not approach near enough in our immediate front to engage our skirmishers. Shortly after dark the firing ceased, and we occupied our position during the night.

At daylight the firing again commenced on our right, and in a short time our own skirmishers became engaged and withdrew, allowing the enemy to approach within sight, when we opened fire, causing them to retire. We were then ordered to fall back upon our supports. The regiment was then reformed in the edge of the [West] woods, and again ordered to take position a little further back; then ordered to take position on the right of the Forty-ninth Virginia [of Early's brigade]. A charge was made by the forces. Then, a fresh regiment coming to the enemy's support, we were ordered to retire behind the crest of a little hill and take position on the left of Colonel Smith's [49th Va] troops. Then we were ordered sill farther back to a position near a barn and straw-stack. Here the fighting was most severe, and many men fell, bravely doing their duty. Here we maintained our position, being stoutly supported by some fresh troops.

[Casualty list]


Captain, Commanding Twenty-seventh Regiment Virginia Vols.

Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Page 1014


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