-- 1862.
Lieutenant V. E. TURNER,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.
[I make the following] report of the part the Fourteenth Regiment North Carolina Troops bore in the engagement at Crampton's Pass [Turner's Pass], Md., September 14, commanded by Colonel R. T. Bennett:
The regiment received orders on the night of the 13th to prepare to move at a moment's warning.
Early in the morning of the 14th the regiment took up line of march down the turnpike in the direction of Crampton's Pass. It was in front of the brigade, and rested on the left of the road at the pass for a short time, and then received orders to march back and pass to the right of the turnpike to re-enforce General Garland. Coming upon a squad of the enemy, it formed line, but, by some mistake in orders, marched back to the turnpike without firing on the enemy, at which place it received orders to face about and march back to the field, where it was joined by General Ripley and thrown on his right. The whole line then moved forward on the enemy, who had taken position on the mountain. Before coming upon the enemy the second time, it being nearly night, it received orders to fall back to an old road, with only 1 man wounded, and await orders to re-enforce General Ripley, if necessary. No orders arriving, the regiment was not called into action. in the absence of the commanding officers, it is impossible of give a more detailed account.
Captain, Commanding Fourteenth Regiment North Carolina Troops.
-- 1862.
[I make the following] report of the part he Fourteenth North Carolina Troops bore in the engagement at Sharpsburg, md. on September 17, commanded by Colonel R. T. Bennett:
The regiment arrived at Sharpsburg on the 15th, and formed line of battle, and remained in line until the morning of the 17th. About 4 o'clock [a. m.]received orders to move by the left flank, passing through a corn-field into an old [Sunken] road; filed to the left, and took position in front of the enemy, which was well protected by banks. The enemy advanced immediately, and a heavy fire opened on both sides. At this position it drove the enemy back three times, disorganizing their lines, with heavy loss. About 11 o'clock received orders from the right that a new line of the enemy was advancing in the rear. The regiment fell back to a road, and took position behind a stone fence, losing many men while changing position. Having but few men, it rallied with other regiments and drove the enemy back, and remained in line in front of the enemy until late at night; then marched a short distance to the rear to rally. Took position next morning on the line, and remained there until it received orders to fall back.
The casualties were 213 killed, wounded, and missing, including Colonel R. T. Bennett, blown up by a shell (severely shocked), and Lieutenant Colonel William A. Johnston, wounded in the arm. The commanding officers being absent, it is impossible to give a report in detail.
Captain, Commanding Fourteenth Regiment North Carolina Troops.
Source: OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 1, Vol 19, Part 1 (Antietam - Serial 27) , Pages 1049 - 1050