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Assistant Surgeon A. Ingram's Report

A Surgeon's report on the Campaign

[author biography]


On the 14th of September, the army came up with a large force of the enemy posted in the passes of South Mountain, where a determined stand was made. The most desperate fighting was on the right and left of the turnpike from Frederick to Hagerstown, where it crosses South Mountain. At this point, the troops were exposed to musketry at short range for four or five hours, While making their way up the mountain sides. The battle continued until after dark, when the enemy was driven from the passes. On the following morning, the army advanced, and came up with the enemy, strongly posted on the heights of Sharpsburg.

On the morning of the 17th, the fight opened furiously, the artillery and musketry fire being incessant until dark, when our forces held the field along the greater extent of the line, the enemy still, however, maintaining a desperate resistance. On the succeeding day, the forces on both sides were too much exhausted to renew the battle, and during the night the enemy fell back across the Potomac.

My experience during these engagements having been more that of a dragoon, either in the saddle or standing to horse, than of a medical officer, can be of no value.

On the 16th of October, the command to which I was attached, together with the 1st and 6th United States Cavalry, and a section of a battery of the 4th Artillery, formed the advance in the reconnoissance in force to Charlestown, Virginia, under command of General Hancock. A battery, supported by cavalry on the enemy's side, resisted for about two hours the advance; it was, however, dislodged and the enemy driven from Charlestown, our cavalry driving their mounted pickets on the road to Bunker Hill about five miles. There was one man killed and about twelve wounded on our side. The wounded were dressed, necessary operations being performed on the field, and sent back to Harper's Ferry in ambulances.

About the first of November, we crossed the Potomac at Berlin and marched to Warrenton, when General McClellan having been relieved, General Burnside assumed command of the army ...


Source: Third Extract from a Narrative of his Services in the Medical Staff, MSHWR 1


1   Barnes, Joseph K., and US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 6 books, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1870-1883, Part. 1, Vol. 1, Appendix, pg. 107  [AotW citation 19752]


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