(1837 - 1865)
Home State: Ohio
Education: Dartmouth University, Class of 1858
Branch of Service: Medical
Unit: Army of the Potomac
see his Battle Report
Before Antietam
He was commissioned Assistant Surgeon, US Army on 28 May 1861 and assigned to St. Aloysius Hospital in Washington, DC. He was assigned to Captain Pleasonton's battalion of Cavalry in Washington that Autumn. He established a hospital for them and later gained responsibility for four companies of the First US Dragoons stationed in the city. He served on the Peninsular Campaign of 1862 and was in charge of the hospital at Carter's Landing, VA in early July.
On the Campaign
He was assigned to the office of the medical director, Army of the Potomac in Maryland and immediately afterward. In his report after the battle he wrote:
My experience during these engagements having been more that of a dragoon, either in the saddle or standing to horse, than of a medical officer, can be of no value.
The rest of the War
He was in charge of a General Hospital (location not given) from December 1862 to November 1863, then on general hospital duty in Washington, DC. By mid-1864 he was performing surgery at the Judiciary Square Hospital there. In August 1864 he was sent to California. He was lost at sea on 30 July 1865 in the wreck of the steamer Brother Jonathan enroute to Headquarters, Department of the Columbia (Oregon, Washington and Idaho).
References & notes
1837; Macduff, SCOTLAND
07/30/1865; burial in Pacific Ocean
1 Heitman, Francis Bernard, Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army 1789-1903, 2 volumes, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1903, Vol. 1, pg. 563 [AotW citation 19749]
2 Henry, Guy Vernor, Military Record of Civilian Appointments in the United States Army, 2 Volumes, New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1873, pp. 84-85 [AotW citation 19750]
3 Barnes, Joseph K., and US Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 6 books, Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1870-1883, Part. 1, Vol. 1, Appendix, pp. 15, 74, 107 [AotW citation 19751]
4 US National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, Images from the History of Medicine, Published 2004, first accessed 01 February 2014, <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/ihm/>, Source page: /catalog/nlm:nlmuid-101416286-img [AotW citation 19753]