Commanding Officer on the Sharpsburg Campaign:
Capt. Charles J. Raine
2 3-in. Ordnance Rifle
2 12-pdr. howitzer
This Battery's Chain of Command:
Army - Army of Northern Virginia
Corps - Jackson's Command
Division - Jackson's Division
Brigade - Jackson's Division Artillery
Maps Showing this Unit
Detail Map #1: Hookers First Corps Sweeps Down the Hagerstown Pike (5-7 am)
Detail Map #2: Hood's Division Retakes Miller's Cornfield (7-8 am)
Detail Map #3: Mansfield's Twelfth Corps Attacks into Miller's Cornfield (7-9 am)
Detail Map #4: Greene's High-Water Mark in the West Woods (9am-noon)
Detail Map #5: Sedgwick is Flanked in the West Woods (9-10am)
Battlefield Tablets for this Unit
Tablet #314: Jackson's Command - 15 Sep, 4 PM to 16 Sep, 10 PM
Tablet #381: Jackson's Division, Jackson's Command - 16 Sep, 4 PM to 16 Sep, 7 PM
Tablet #315: Jackson's Command - 17 Sep, 5 AM to 17 Sep, 10 AM
Tablet #382: Jackson's Division, Jackson's Command - 17 Sep, 5 AM to 17 Sep, 7 AM
Tablet #382, cont: Jackson's Division, Jackson's Command - 17 Sep, 7 AM to 17 Sep, 9 AM
After the Sharpsburg Campaign
The Lee Battery flag may be on display at the Warren Rifles Confederate Museum, Front Royal, Virginia.
We have one individual in the AotW database who was on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:
Co. | Rank | Name | Casualty? | Details* |
-- | Capt | Raine, Charles James | ![]() |
* If there's a symbol in the Details column ... - We have a picture for this person
- We have details beyond name and rank
Click on their last name to see more