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Antietam Battlefield Historical Tablet No. 315

Jackson's Command

5 AM 17 September to 10 AM 17 September

Maj. Gen, Thomas J. Jackson, Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)
   Jackson's Command was in order of battle at 5:30 A. M., Jackson's Division, commanded by J. R. Jones, in two lines, its right resting on the Hagerstwon Pike 230 yards north of this. Early's and Hays' Brigades of Ewell's Division were on the left rear of Jones, and the Brigades of Lawton and Trimble were in the fields between the Hagerstown Pike and the East Woods. Jackson's Command was assaulted in this position between the hours of 5:30 and 8:30 A. M. by the First and Twelfth Corps of the Army of the Potomac. At about 9:00 A. M., having been reenforced by McLaws' and Walker's Divisions of Longstreet's Command, it repulsed an assault of Sedgwick's Division of the Second Corps.

Location: north side of Confederate Avenue, near the Hagerstown Pike (Map 1)


Units described and/or located by this Tablet:

Jackson's Command
        Company H, 4th Virginia Cavalry
        White's Virginia Cavalry
D. H. Hill's Division
    Colquitt's Brigade
        13th Alabama Infantry
        23rd Georgia Infantry
        27th Georgia Infantry
        28th Georgia Infantry
        6th Georgia Infantry
    Garland's Brigade
        12th North Carolina Infantry
        13th North Carolina Infantry
        20th North Carolina Infantry
        23rd North Carolina Infantry
        5th North Carolina Infantry
    Ripley's Brigade
        44th Georgia Infantry
        4th Georgia Infantry
        1st North Carolina Infantry
        3rd North Carolina Infantry
Ewell's Division
    Early's Brigade
        13th Virginia Infantry
        25th Virginia Infantry
        31st Virginia Infantry
        44th Virginia Infantry
        49th Virginia Infantry
        52nd Virginia Infantry
        58th Virginia Infantry
    Hays' Brigade
        14th Louisiana Infantry
        5th Louisiana Infantry
        6th Louisiana Infantry
        7th Louisiana Infantry
        8th Louisiana Infantry
        Louisiana Guard Artillery
    Lawton's Brigade
        13th Georgia Infantry
        26th Georgia Infantry
        31st Georgia Infantry
        38th Georgia Infantry
        60th Georgia Infantry
        61st Georgia Infantry
    Trimble's Brigade
        15th Alabama Infantry
        12th Georgia Infantry
        21st Georgia Infantry
        1st North Carolina Battalion Sharpshooters
        21st North Carolina Infantry
Jackson's Division
    Jackson's Division Artillery
        2nd Baltimore (MD) Artillery
        Alleghany (VA) Artillery
        Danville (VA) Artillery
        Lee (VA) Artillery
        Richmond "Hampden" (VA) Artillery
        Rockbridge (VA) Artillery
    Jones' Brigade
        1st Virginia Infantry Battalion
        21st Virginia Infantry
        42nd Virginia Infantry
        48th Virginia Infantry
    Starke's Brigade
        10th Louisiana Infantry
        15th Louisiana Infantry
        1st Louisiana (Zouaves) Infantry Battalion
        1st Louisiana Volunteer Infantry
        2nd Louisiana Infantry
        9th Louisiana Infantry
    Taliaferro's Brigade
        47th Alabama Infantry
        48th Alabama Infantry
        23rd Virginia Infantry
        37th Virginia Infantry
    Winder's Brigade
        27th Virginia Infantry
        33rd Virginia Infantry
        4th Virginia Infantry
        5th Virginia Infantry

Source: Antietam Battlefield Board, Antietam Battlefield Board Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)



1   Antietam Board, Antietam Battlefield Commission Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)  [AotW citation 16720]

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