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Antietam Battlefield Historical Tablet No. 108

Battery F, 5th U.S. Artillery

6 AM 17 September to 7 AM 19 September

Lieut. Leonard Martin, U.S.A., Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)
   Early in the morning of the 17th, Battery F, 5th U.S. Artillery, generally known as Ayers' Battery, moved with Smith's Division, Sixth Army Corps, from its bivouac in Pleasant Valley near Crampton's Pass, and, about 12 noon, went into position about 110 yards south of this point on the left of Battery D, 2d U.S. Artillery, and engaged the Confederate Artillery in the woods around the Dunkard Church and in the fields south of it. The fire was continued with intervals, throughout the day, and the Battery remained in substantially the same position until the morning of the 19th.

Location: south side of the Smoketown Road near Mumma Farm Lane (Map 2)


Notes: This tablet number was probably miscast - it's labeled 103 on the battlefield - which duplicates another tablet documented as 103. Park staff believe the correct number is likely 108, and it is shown as such here.


Units described and/or located by this Tablet:

        5th United States Artillery, Battery F

Source: Antietam Battlefield Board, Antietam Battlefield Board Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)



1   Antietam Board, Antietam Battlefield Commission Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)  [AotW citation 16787]

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