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Antietam Battlefield Historical Tablet No. 83

U.S. Artillery

10 AM 17 September to 6 PM 18 September


(September 17-18, 1862.)
   During and after Sedgwick's assault on the Confederates in the West Woods, a line of Batteries was established, running from Mumma's Cemetery on the south, crossing the road at this point and extending northwardly in front of the East Woods to the Poffenberger lane beyond which, on the hill beyond J. Poffenberger's, the Reserve Artillery of the First Army Corps was established.

The line was held in turn by Batteries of the First, Twelfth, Second and Sixth Army Corps, and held in check several attempts of the Confederates to advance from the West Woods.

The Batteries remained in this position until the Confederates withdrew from the field.

Location: north side of Cornfield Avenue near the East Woods (Map 2)


Units described and/or located by this Tablet:

    1st Division, 1st Corps Artillery
    2nd Division, 1st Corps Artillery
    3rd Division, 1st Corps Artillery
    Unattached Second Corps Artillery
    1st Division, 2nd Corps Artillery
    2nd Division, 2nd Corps Artillery
    1st Division, 6th Corps Artillery
    2nd Division, 6th Corps Artillery
Twelfth Corps Artillery

Source: Antietam Battlefield Board, Antietam Battlefield Board Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)



1   Antietam Board, Antietam Battlefield Commission Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)  [AotW citation 16784]

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