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Previous Updates and Additions

These are selected highlights of older additions, changes, updates, and improvements I made to the Antietam on the Web site during 2006.
[date, time (gmt)    add or update - change category - name/unit/title - author/originator]

20 December 2006, 19:20   add - image - E.V. White - brd
20 December 2006, 18:25   update - biography - Emmett Masalon Morrison - brd
20 December 2006, 18:23   add - image - E.M. Morrison - brd
6 December 2006, 02:53   add - image - A. Lumley sketch of "the fight in the Cornfield ..." - brd
18 November 2006, 22:07   update - unit data - 5th United States Artillery, Battery C - brd
18 November 2006, 21:46   update - unit data - 57th New York Infantry - brd
13 November 2006, 20:08   update - biography - Frederick Hill Collier - brd
13 November 2006, 20:07   add - image - F.H. Collier - brd
13 November 2006, 17:27   add - biography - Victor Joseph St. Martin - AotW member
13 November 2006, 17:26   add - image - V.J. St. Martin - brd
3 November 2006, 15:22   update - biography - James Barnes - brd
28 October 2006, 18:09   update - biography - Rufus Dudley Pettit - brd
28 October 2006, 17:12   add - image - R.D. Pettit - brd
13 October 2006, 19:29   update - biography - William Dabney Stuart - brd
13 October 2006, 18:50   add - image - W.D. Stuart - brd
10 October 2006, 19:37   update - biography - Edwin Augustus Young Osborne - brd
3 October 2006, 17:47   add - image - E.A. Osborne - brd
9 September 2006, 00:31   update - biography - Peter Fayssoux Stevens - DeWitt Stone
1 September 2006, 14:27   update - site structure - Gazetteer - brd
   Details: more places and location details
28 August 2006, 14:29   add - site structure - anti hotlinking, security - brd
   Details: added code to protect against hotlinking images and provide context to images linked from outside; additional software updates to protect against malicious scripts/hacks
23 August 2006, 21:11   update - biography - Luke Tiernan Brien - brd
22 August 2006, 13:44   add - site structure - Maryland Campaign Gazetteer - brd
   Details: New service on AotW to help readers find historic place names on a modern (Google) Map.
12 August 2006, 23:15   update - article - Updated events for battle maps 1-12 - brd
5 August 2006, 20:33   add - site structure - Maryland Campaign Timeline - brd
5 August 2006, 20:18   add - biography - Henry Seymour Hall - brd
2 August 2006, 17:28   add - image - H.S. Hall - brd
2 August 2006, 02:25   update - article - Medal of Honor Citation: H.S. Hall - brd
2 August 2006, 01:54   add - article - Medal of Honor Citation: F. Hogan - brd
2 August 2006, 01:52   add - biography - Franklin Hogan - brd
24 July 2006, 02:37   update - biography - William Henderson Caskie - brd
Showing 1 to 30 of the 174 updates logged in 2006.
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