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Previous Updates and Additions

These are selected highlights of older additions, changes, updates, and improvements I made to the Antietam on the Web site during 2019.
[date, time (gmt)    add or update - change category - name/unit/title - author/originator]

31 December 2019, 04:03   add - roster group - the 17th South Carolina Infantry - brd
30 December 2019, 20:08   add - biography - Pvt William T Hartness, 17th South Carolina Infy (wia) - brd
30 December 2019, 04:54   add - roster group - the 5th South Carolina Infantry - brd
30 December 2019, 04:24   add - biography - Lt Joseph H. McDowell, 5th South Carolina Infantry - brd
28 December 2019, 19:29   update - biography - Pvt William F Ford, 8th Ohio Infy (wia) - brd
27 December 2019, 02:05   update - biography - Capt Thomas C Beckham, 5th South Carolina Infy - brd
23 December 2019, 21:57   add - biography - Lt William P DuBose, Holcombe (SC) Legion (pow) - brd
23 December 2019, 00:46   update - biography - Pvt Joseph Stacy, 27th North Carolina Infy (mw) - brd
21 December 2019, 19:12   add - roster group - Phillips' Georgia Legion, Infantry Battalion - brd
20 December 2019, 19:44   add - biography - 1Sgt Alvan H Summers, Phillips Georgia Legion Infy (pow) - brd
19 December 2019, 15:57   add - biography - Pvt Malachi W Pitts, Phillips Georgia Legion Infy (pow) - brd
17 December 2019, 21:14   add - biography - Capt James M Johnson, Phillips Georgia Legion Infy (wia) - brd
16 December 2019, 22:54   add - biography - Corp Richard Deignan, Phillips Georgia Legion Infy (pow) - brd
16 December 2019, 17:51   add - biography - Chaplain George G Smith, Phillips Georgia Legion Infy (wia) - brd
16 December 2019, 03:38   add - biography - Pvt Franklin B Luke, Phillips Georgia Legion Infy (wia) - brd
15 December 2019, 17:32   add - roster group - Battery G, 1st Rhode Island Lt Arty - brd
14 December 2019, 00:24   add - biography - Pvt John B. F. Red, Phillips Legion Infy (wia) - brd
12 December 2019, 21:57   add - biography - Maj Elihu S Barclay, Phillips Georgia Legion Infy (wia/pow) - brd
12 December 2019, 16:22   add - biography - Lt Arthur C Ford, 20th Georgia Infy (wia) - brd
11 December 2019, 23:55   add - biography - Capt James R Barnett, 35th New York Infy (mw) - brd
11 December 2019, 22:32   add - image - Pvt Wm P Harrison, 6th Wisconsin Infy (MW) - brd
11 December 2019, 01:55   add - biography - 1Sgt Heber Wells, 13th New Jersey Infy - brd
10 December 2019, 16:56   add - article - Spreadsheet: inventory of artillery pieces by battery - brd
9 December 2019, 19:46   add - image - Capt Joseph W Latimer, Courtney's Henrico (VA) Artillery - brd
7 December 2019, 23:34   add - biography - Corp Franklin Murphy, 13th New Jersey Infy - brd
6 December 2019, 23:59   add - biography - Pvt James Kinsella, 71st Penna Infy (wia) - brd
5 December 2019, 23:23   update - biography - Pvt James M Runyan, 59th New York Infy (wia) - brd
5 December 2019, 21:44   update - biography - Sgt Geo W Loud, 51st New York Infy (kia) - brd
5 December 2019, 19:48   add - biography - Pvt Zimri Carroll, 6th South Carolina Infy (wia) - brd
4 December 2019, 14:20   add - biography - Capt Elisha S Kelley, 8th Illinois Cav (wia) - brd
Showing 1 to 30 of the 296 updates logged in 2019.
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