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Previous Updates and Additions

These are selected highlights of older additions, changes, updates, and improvements I made to the Antietam on the Web site during 2006.
[date, time (gmt)    add or update - change category - name/unit/title - author/originator]

17 February 2006, 18:05   add - image - W. Sinclair - Scott D. Hann
17 February 2006, 17:15   update - biography - Sumner Carruth - Sean T. Wright
17 February 2006, 16:25   update - biography - Samuel L Croasdale - brd
17 February 2006, 15:51   add - image - S.L. Croasdale - Scott D. Hann
16 February 2006, 18:11   add - image - J. B. Campbell - Scott D. Hann
16 February 2006, 18:11   add - image - H. Beyer - Scott D. Hann
15 February 2006, 22:24   add - biography - William H. Willcox - brd
15 February 2006, 17:46   add - image - Campaign Map - 4 September 1862 - brd
   Details: The first of a new series of maps: one for each day of the Maryland Campaign, 4-20 Sept 1862
15 February 2006, 15:58   update - image - S. Carruth - brd
13 February 2006, 23:49   add - biography - Henry Kyd Douglas - brd
13 February 2006, 23:49   add - image - H. K. Douglas - brd
10 February 2006, 16:40   add - biography - Lewis Henry Steiner - brd
8 February 2006, 21:47   add - biography - Armistead Lindsay Long - brd
8 February 2006, 21:46   add - image - A. L. Long - brd
7 February 2006, 19:20   update - site structure - Repaired, marked, or deleted broken links - brd
   Details: Ran automated testing across all of AotW, cleared nearly 50 problem links to external sites (>9,100 URLs checked).
5 February 2006, 06:06   update - biography - Richard Henry Brewer - brd
4 February 2006, 22:11   update - unit data - Pryor's Brigade - brd
4 February 2006, 21:44   add - biography - Charles Fox Urquhart - Warren A. Simmons
4 February 2006, 03:58   update - biography - Howard Carroll - brd
4 February 2006, 02:06   update - unit data - 105th New York Infantry - brd
3 February 2006, 20:45   add - biography - Johann August Heinrich Heros von Borcke - brd
3 February 2006, 01:55   add - image - H. von Borcke - brd
30 January 2006, 03:08   update - biography - Robert Woodson Withers - brd
29 January 2006, 17:29   update - biography - Rufus King - brd
24 January 2006, 20:06   add - biography - Rufus King, Jr. - brd
24 January 2006, 18:32   add - image - R. King - brd
24 January 2006, 18:04   add - biography - Samuel Houston Letcher - brd
24 January 2006, 16:53   add - biography - Henry S. Jennings, Jr. - brd
21 January 2006, 22:35   add - news - Local Expert Makes Case for Crampton's Gap Battlefield - brd
21 January 2006, 03:49   update - biography - John Cook - brd
Showing 121 to 150 of the 174 updates logged in 2006.
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