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Antietam Battlefield Historical Tablet No. 3

Doubleday's Division, First Army Corps

5 AM 17 September to 9 AM 17 September

Brig. Gen. Abner Doubleday, Commanding.

(September 17, 1862.)
   Doubleday's Division moved from its bivouac on the Joseph Poffenberger farm, north of this, at 5:30 A. M. on the 17th, in the following order: Gibbon's Brigade in advance, supported by Phelps' and Patrick's Brigades; Hofmann's Brigade was held in reserve. The three Brigades advanced, with their right resting on the Hagerstown Pike, until Gibbon reached this point - Phelps 25 yards in his rear, and Patrick following Phelps - when his right flank was fired into by the Confederate skirmishers posted behind the rocky ledge 106 yards west of and nearly parallel to the Pike. The Division was then deployed, Gibbon with two Regiments on either side of the Pike, with Battery B, 4th U. S. Artillery, in his right rear; Phelps moved up on Gibbon's left and Patrick crossed to the west of the turnpike and supported Gibbon's right and the Battery. The Brigades became heavily engaged, advancing south of this point in the direction of the Dunkard Church and after more than an hour's obstinate contest, with varying success, were withdrawn to the fields north of D. R. Miller's and, subsequently, to the cover of the high ground beyond Joseph Poffenberger's.

Location: east side of the Hagerstown Pike, south of Miller's house (Map 1)


Units described and/or located by this Tablet:

1st Division, 1st Corps
    1st Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps
        22nd New York Infantry
        24th New York Infantry
        30th New York Infantry
        84th New York Infantry (14th Brooklyn)
        2nd United States Sharpshooters
    1st Division, 1st Corps Artillery
        New Hampshire Light Artillery, First Battery
        1st New York Light Artillery, Battery L
        1st Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery D
        4th United States Artillery, Battery B
    2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps
        7th Indiana Infantry
        76th New York Infantry
        95th New York Infantry
        56th Pennsylvania Infantry
    3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps
        21st New York Infantry
        23rd New York Infantry
        35th New York Infantry
        80th New York Infantry (20th Militia)
    4th Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps
        19th Indiana Infantry
        2nd Wisconsin Infantry
        6th Wisconsin Infantry
        7th Wisconsin Infantry

Source: Antietam Battlefield Board, Antietam Battlefield Board Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)



1   Antietam Board, Antietam Battlefield Commission Papers, Washington DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1891-1898, Entry 707, Record Group 92 (Historical Tablet text by Generals E.A. Carman and H. Heth)  [AotW citation 16689]

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