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Previous Updates and Additions

These are selected highlights of older additions, changes, updates, and improvements I made to the Antietam on the Web site during 2023.
[date, time (gmt)    add or update - change category - name/unit/title - author/originator]

17 October 2023, 23:59   add - image - Sgt. Simon Pincus, 66th New York Infy - brd
15 September 2023, 17:41   add - image - Lt Smith S Turner, 17th Virginia Infy (wia) - brd
13 June 2023, 13:59   add - image - Pvt Nelson A Bemis, 8th Connecticut Infy (wia) - brd
4 June 2023, 15:42   add - biography - Lt Mark R Supplee, 51st Pennsylvania Infy - brd
1 June 2023, 16:10   add - biography - Pvt Charles F Weller, 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry - brd
30 May 2023, 20:17   add - roster group - 19th Mississippi Infy - brd
24 May 2023, 20:54   add - biography - Lt Ivory Q Perry, 19th Mississippi Infy (wia) - brd
23 May 2023, 11:03   add - roster group - 12th Mississippi Infy - brd
15 May 2023, 00:56   update - biography - Pvt Theodore B Day, 2nd Wisconsin Infy (wia) - brd
12 May 2023, 22:07   add - biography - Sgt. Samuel H Whitworth, 12th Mississippi Infy (wia) - brd
7 May 2023, 20:33   add - roster group - 16th Mississippi Infantry - brd
3 April 2023, 03:06   add - image - Capt Richard W Jones, 12th Virginia Infy - brd
31 March 2023, 23:33   add - image - Col Henry C Cabell, McLaws' Division Arty - brd
31 March 2023, 21:09   update - biography - Col Benjamin G Humphrey, 21st Mississippi Infy - brd
30 March 2023, 16:52   update - biography - Major Luther J Glenn, Cobb's Legion Infy - brd
30 March 2023, 02:14   update - biography - Capt William H Willis, 4th Georgia Infy - brd
12 March 2023, 18:19   update - biography - Lt. Jonas Seaman, Jr., 3rd Co., Ohio Cavalry - brd
1 March 2023, 02:57   add - biography - Capt Charles L Upham, 8th Connecticut Infy - brd
1 March 2023, 01:30   add - image - Sgt James M Reeves, 10th Louisiana Infy (wia) - brd
28 February 2023, 17:24   add - biography - Pvt. John A Bixler, Btty C/5th United States Arty (wia) - brd
27 February 2023, 16:48   update - biography - Capt Ezra W Matthews, Btty F/1st PA Light Arty - brd
25 February 2023, 19:19   update - roster group - 7th Maine Infantry - brd
21 February 2023, 01:06   add - biography - Lt. Peter A. S. McGlashan, 50th Georgia Infy - brd
12 February 2023, 17:56   add - site structure - Battle map: Confederate Counterattacks in the Center - brd
10 February 2023, 17:34   add - site structure - Battle map: The Charge of the 7th Maine at Piper's Farm - brd
7 February 2023, 19:13   add - biography - Sgt William Crosby, 7th Maine Infy - brd
7 February 2023, 14:53   add - biography - Sgt Henry B. Chamberlain, 97th New York Infy - brd
6 February 2023, 01:41   add - roster group - 1st Battalion, 14th United States Infantry - brd
4 February 2023, 18:29   update - biography - Lt William Berry, 1st Co., Massachusetts Sharpshooters (kia) - brd
24 January 2023, 15:31   add - biography - Corp George M Neese, Chew's Battery - brd
Showing 1 to 30 of the 36 updates logged in 2023.
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