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Previous Updates and Additions

These are selected highlights of older additions, changes, updates, and improvements I made to the Antietam on the Web site during 2009.
[date, time (gmt)    add or update - change category - name/unit/title - author/originator]

18 August 2009, 02:12   add - biography - Samuel Albert Lamer - brd
16 August 2009, 03:33   add - image - W.S. Clark - brd
16 August 2009, 02:12   add - biography - Edward Alexander Moore - brd
16 August 2009, 02:10   add - image - E.A. Moore - brd
14 August 2009, 04:10   update - biography - John C Key - brd
14 August 2009, 02:52   add - biography - Shepherd Green Pryor - brd
14 August 2009, 02:48   add - image - S.G. Pryor - brd
14 August 2009, 00:19   add - biography - David Hunter Strother - brd
14 August 2009, 00:12   add - image - D.H. Strother - brd
11 August 2009, 04:04   add - biography - John Worthington Ames - brd
11 August 2009, 04:03   add - image - J.W. Ames - brd
31 July 2009, 21:44   add - biography - Marshall Little - brd
31 July 2009, 21:15   add - biography - Henry C Hall - brd
31 July 2009, 16:05   add - article - F.C. Anderson MoH Citation - brd
31 July 2009, 15:58   add - biography - Frederick C Anderson - brd
28 June 2009, 01:45   update - biography - John Thompson Brown - brd
20 June 2009, 22:44   add - image - R.T. Frank - brd
31 March 2009, 02:04   update - biography - Peter Hollingshead Allabach - brd
31 March 2009, 02:01   add - image - P.H. Allbach - J.D. Hoptak
19 March 2009, 05:25   update - biography - William Thompson Martin - brd
19 March 2009, 05:24   add - image - W.T. Martin - brd
16 March 2009, 02:15   add - biography - Henry Sanford Gansevoort - brd
16 March 2009, 02:03   add - image - H.S. Gansevoort - brd
16 March 2009, 01:16   add - biography - Delos Bennett Sacket - brd
16 March 2009, 01:14   add - image - D.B. Sacket - brd
15 March 2009, 00:52   update - biography - Thomas C Watkins - brd
15 March 2009, 00:51   add - image - T.C. Watkins - brd
8 March 2009, 06:01   update - biography - John Lane - brd
8 March 2009, 05:14   update - biography - George M Patterson - brd
8 March 2009, 04:46   update - biography - Hugh Madison Ross - brd
Showing 91 to 120 of the 157 updates logged in 2009.
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