Previous Updates and AdditionsThese are selected highlights of older additions, changes, updates, and improvements I made to the Antietam on the Web site during 2009. |
8 March 2009, 03:51 add - biography - Hartwell Carver Tompkins - Andrew Tompkins 8 March 2009, 03:09 add - biography - Francis Asbury Davies - brd 8 March 2009, 03:03 add - image - F.A. Davies - brd 6 March 2009, 05:18 update - image - W. Dwight - brd 6 March 2009, 04:53 add - image - H. Ropes - brd 6 March 2009, 04:49 update - biography - Freeman Conner - brd 6 March 2009, 04:46 add - image - F. Conner - brd 6 March 2009, 04:25 add - image - M.A. Coppens - brd 6 March 2009, 04:24 add - image - G.A.G. Coppens - brd 6 March 2009, 04:04 add - image - A.T. McReynolds - brd 5 March 2009, 17:31 update - unit data - 44th New York Infantry - brd 2 March 2009, 18:05 update - image - H.B. McKeen - brd 1 March 2009, 02:32 add - biography - Isaac A. Helm - brd 1 March 2009, 02:31 add - image - I.A. Helm - brd 27 February 2009, 02:02 add - biography - George Morton Randall - brd 27 February 2009, 01:46 add - image - G.M. Randall - brd 27 February 2009, 01:25 add - biography - William Scott Worth - brd 27 February 2009, 00:29 add - biography - Edward Pennington Pearson, Jr. - brd 26 February 2009, 22:55 add - biography - William Lucius Kellogg - brd 26 February 2009, 04:06 update - unit data - 14th United States Infantry, First Battalion - brd 26 February 2009, 03:54 add - biography - Guido Ilges - brd 26 February 2009, 03:36 add - biography - Evan MIles - brd 25 February 2009, 20:11 update - unit data - 2nd and 10th United States Infantry - brd 25 February 2009, 19:48 add - biography - William Falck - brd 25 February 2009, 18:35 add - biography - William Henry Powell - brd 22 February 2009, 20:03 add - image - M.M. Blunt - brd 22 February 2009, 19:35 update - unit data - 17th United States Infantry, First Battalion - brd 22 February 2009, 19:12 add - unit data - 19th United States Infantry, First Battalion - brd 22 February 2009, 18:52 add - unit data - 8th United States Infantry - brd 16 February 2009, 00:35 update - biography - Ernst Mattias Peter von Vegesack - brd |
Showing 121 to 150 of the 157 updates logged in 2009. « Newer | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Older » 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |