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Federal Regiment

9th New York Infantry

"Hawkins' Zouaves"
Organized: New York City, NY; mustered in 04/23/1861


Commanding Officer on the Antietam Campaign:
  LCol. Edgar A. Kimball


This Regiment's Chain of Command:
  Army - Army of the Potomac
  Corps - Ninth Army Corps
  Division - 3rd Division, 9th Corps
  Brigade - 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th Corps

On the Antietam Campaign

This regiment had 8 Companies of Infantry engaged at Antietam - all except Co F and Co K. Company F was detached on duty at Plymouth, NC from July through November 1862 [though some members were casualties at Antietam]. Company K was Captain Whiting's Battery of Artillery (and is listed separately here at AotW) - present with the 9th Corps, but serving as a battery of artillery in supporting the crossing at Snavely's Ford on September 17th.

Hawkins' Zouaves were part of the 9th Corps afternoon assault from the vicinity of the Lower Bridge toward the town of Sharpsburg.


Initial Strength: 373; Killed in Action (KIA): 45; Wounded (WIA): 176; Missing in Action (MIA): 14;
Losses, % of Initial Strength: 63%

Maps Showing this Unit

Battlefield Tablets for this Unit

Tablet #56: Ninth Army Corps - 15 Sep, 7 AM to 16 Sep, 3 PM
Tablet #122: Army of the Potomac - 17 Sep, 10 AM to 17 Sep, 6 PM
Tablet #70, cont: Ninth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 3 PM to 17 Sep, 5 PM
Tablet #65: Rodman's Division, Ninth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 5 AM to 17 Sep, 5 PM
Tablet #70: Ninth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 7 AM to 17 Sep, 3 PM
Tablet #57: Ninth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 7 AM to 17 Sep, 5 PM
Tablet #66: Fairchild's Brigade, Rodman's Division - 17 Sep, 7 AM to 17 Sep, 5 PM

References & Notes

See also an AotW Featured Exhibit on Antietam from the point of view of David Thompson, Private, 9th NY Volunteers.

We have 246 individuals in the AotW database who were on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:


Co. Rank Name Casualty? Details*
APvtBanta, William H.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtBennett, Charles KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtBrill, James C.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtClarke, Samuel J.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtDebbs, Andrew B.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtDickman, Thomas WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtDrake, William WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtDuell, James POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
ASgtForbes, Oliver PeterMWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtFreeman, James C.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtGilley, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtHeldebrant, George H.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtHorne, Joseph WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtJacobus, John Wesley        We have some details for this person
APvtKress, Severin WIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
APvtLeach, Daniel W.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtLyon, Charles WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtMay, Marcus WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtMcConnell, James WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtMcManus, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtMergenthaler, Frank C.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtMuscles, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtRelyea, Alexander L.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtRivers, Richard         We have some details for this person
ASgtSalisbury, Albion V.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ACorpStage, David L.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtStephens, John G.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtStevens, John J.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtStinson, William WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtThompson, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtTopping, Robert R.POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtTurner, Joseph G.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ACorpVan Cott, David MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtVan Duzer, Daniel T.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtVandervoort, Richard WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtVervalen, Abraham D.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ASgtWatson, James H.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtAtkinson, Thomas MortimerWIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
BPvtBailey, William H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BCaptBarnett, William G.WIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
BLtBartholomew, Thomas LivingstonWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtCarpenter, Edward E.WIA   09/17
BPvtCordes, John C.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BCorpCornell, George D.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BSgtDews, Edwin         We have some details for this person
BCorpFarrell, George W.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtFisher, Thomas WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtGinther, William KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtGood, Michael WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtGrant, Richard WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtHarris, Spencer L.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtHewitt, Elias MIA (n)   09/17     We have some details for this person
BLtHorner, James B.        We have some details for this person
BPvtHubble, Stillman J.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtHyatt, James H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BMusLangbein, Johann Christoph Julius        We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
BPvtLindtner, Mathias KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtLow, James WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtMoser, William S.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtOsborne, Samuel WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtPfaffle, Frederic WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtPfaffle, William WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtRassiga, Eugene KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BCorpRoberts, John H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtRoeder, Charles R.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BCorpRogers, William J.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtSchafer, John KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BSgtSchmidt, Hugo         We have some details for this person
BPvtSill, Byron G.POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtSmith, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtSpicer, Napoleon B.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtStanton, Michael WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtWagner, Peter WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BSgtWhitney, John Henry EllsworthWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtAdams, Robert C.AWOL   09/16     We have some details for this person
CPvtArnott, John T.AWOL   09/16     We have some details for this person
CPvtBeese, Emil WIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
CPvtBrannon, John J.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtClerihew, Paul J.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtCrawford, Stephen H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtCruden, Alexander B.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CCorpCurie, Charles WIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
CCorpField, Joshua C.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CSgtGeayer, Jacob         We have some details for this person
CPvtGrosser, Franz KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtHallowell, Joseph WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtHart, Frank WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CSgtJacobshon, Louis WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CCorpLawrence, Samuel KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CCorpLivingston, Thomas WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtMcCabe, George WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtMcNab, Alexander WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CSgtMeyer, Sebastian WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtMorschauser, George WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtO'Brien, Daniel WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CCaptParisen, Jr., Otto WilliamWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtSeggee, Zachariah WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CCorpStephens, Elsden B.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CSgtStiles, Jr., Benjamin T.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtVogel, William A.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtWatson, William K.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtWitz, Anthony AWOL   09/16     We have some details for this person
DPvtBeesling, Henry KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtBeethuysen, Otto KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DCorpBraynard, James H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtCavanagh, Peter WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtCrowley, Florence WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DSgtFitzgerald, James WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtGoem, Mathias WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DCorpHyde, Theodore WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtLawrence, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtLoyman, Louis WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtMcCoy, Francis WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtMichaels, Charles KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtMorge, Louis WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DCorpPurcell, Frances A.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtRoach, Samuel S.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtRoddy, John J.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtRothert, William KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtSarles, William H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DSgtSearing, Peter J. L.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtVan Scoy, John A.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtWestfall, Henry WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtWiebelt, George WIA   09/19     We have some details for this person
EPvtBauer, John J.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ECorpBloxham, Richard MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtCambell, Benjamin WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ECorpChrissman, Michael MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtClements, James WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtCoen, Patrick WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ELtCooper, Edward C.KIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
EPvtFarrell, Nicholas POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtFlood, Owen A.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ESgtGandolfo, John BaptisteWIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
EPvtGlasser, Philip KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ESgtHankinson, Charles B.        We have some details for this person
EPvtHassen, Robert KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtHesse, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtHyer, James WIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
EPvtJachum, Nicholas KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ESgtJacobshon, Louis WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtJaeger, Andrew WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ECorpJudge, James MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ESgtKeating, James D.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ELtKlingsoehr, Victor WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtKnubel, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtLange, John S.POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
ECaptLibaire, Adolphe         We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
EPvtLockwood, Jabez C. F.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtLockwood, William J.POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtMcDermott, Bernard KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtMcEntee, James KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtMcLocklin, Paul J.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtMiller, Austin POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtSawyer, Charles W.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ESgtSmith, Abisha N.        We have some details for this person
EPvtSmith, John A.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtSweetman, Henry MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtVolk, Andrew WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtWithers, James WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtByrd, John KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtLeonhard, Augustus W.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FSgtMartin, Peter POW   09/23     We have some details for this person
GPvtAllison, Garrett         We have some details for this person
GPvtBertholf, Gilbert WIA   09/17
GLtBurdett, Richard A.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GCaptChild, Charles W.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtConnelly, Thomas W.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtConway, James KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtCotter, Patrick WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtCoulman, Charles WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtCoulman, Emile JosephMIA (r)   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtCrook, Phillip WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtDe La Vergne, George A.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtDevlin, John KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtFlanigan, Patrick KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtHertling, Michael MIA (r)   09/17     We have some details for this person
GSgtHolland, Patrick KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtHopper, Jacob H.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtHubbard, Brainard KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtMcQuade, Henry MIA (n)   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtMitchell, William         We have some details for this person
GCorpNegus, Allen W.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtOrr, James W.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtPatrick, Daniel POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
GSgtRiley, Edward         We have some details for this person
GPvtShuart, Herman WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtSorby, James         We have some details for this person
GPvtThompson, Alfred MIA (n)   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtThompson, David LudlowPOW   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtBurke, Thomas WIA   09/17
HPvtBusam, Christian KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HSgtByrne, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtCole, Calvin AWOL   09/09     We have some details for this person
HPvtCrosson, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtDonohue, Francis KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtFlemming, David KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HLtGraham, Matthew JohnWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtHart, Henry AWOL   09/09     We have some details for this person
HSgtHodges, Thomas WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtJohnson, David KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtJohnston, John MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtKauth, Francis WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtKleiner, Alexander AWOL   09/09     We have some details for this person
HCorpLeslie, John A.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtMcGinnis, James WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HLtMcKechnie, Robert         We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
HCorpNewman, Henry WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtO'Connell, John MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtOwens, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HCorpPatterson, William KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtPearson, Thomas MWIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
HPvtReese, William WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtStephenson, William R.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtTwaddle, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtWallace, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ICorpAdair, John B.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtBliss, Joseph D.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtCollins, Levi KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ICorpDennis, Edward WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtFeeley, Patrick WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtGalager, Charles AWOL   09/14     We have some details for this person
ISgtJackson, Richard H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtJohnson, Charles FrederickWIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
ISgtKervan, Edward H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ICaptLeahy, Lawrence WIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
IPvtMarsh, Samuel         We have some details for this person
IPvtMurphy, James KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtPlatt, Lewis A.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ILtPowell, Frank WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtSchultz, James WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtSmythe, William H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtThain, Hamilton W.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtVan Ullen, William AWOL   09/29     We have some details for this person
KPvtFleming, Howard WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtHogan, James WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
F&SLtBarnett, George Albert C.        We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
F&SSgtDusenberry, Augustus POW   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
F&SPvtEllison, William John        We have some details for this person
F&SPvtGier, Friedrich         We have some details for this person
F&SPvtHaines, Thomas         We have some details for this person
F&SASrgHarding, William L.        We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
F&SSurgHumphreys, George Hopkins        We have some details for this person
F&SMajJardine, Edward         We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
F&SLColKimball, Edgar Addison        We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
F&SSgtPannes, John B.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person


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