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Confederate Regiment

6th Louisiana Infantry

"Irish Brigade"
Organized: New Orleans, LA; mustered in 5/23/1861
Disbanded/Mustered out: Appomattox Courthouse, VA 4/9/1865


Commanding Officers on the Sharpsburg Campaign:
  Col. H. B. Strong
  Capt H.B. Ritchie


This Regiment's Chain of Command:
  Army - Army of Northern Virginia
  Corps - Jackson's Command
  Division - Ewell's Division
  Brigade - Hays' Brigade

Unit history

Organized at Camp Moore (near Tangipahoa) in May 1861, they were mustered into Confederate service in June under Colonel Isaac G. Seymour (killed June 1862). They were at 1st Manassas (21 July 1861), on the Shenandoah Valley Campaign (May-June 1862), and at 2nd Manassas (28-30 August 1862) before the Maryland Campaign.

On the Sharpsburg Campaign

In severe fighting in and near the Miller Cornfield on the morning of 17 September, the regiment suffered high casualties, including the death of Colonel Strong.

Map Showing this Unit

Battlefield Tablets for this Unit

Tablet #314: Jackson's Command - 15 Sep, 4 PM to 16 Sep, 10 PM
Tablet #326: Ewell's Division, Jackson's Command - 15 Sep, 6 PM to 16 Sep, 10 PM
Tablet #342: Hays' Brigade, Ewell's Division - 16 Sep, 10 PM to 17 Sep, 8 AM
Tablet #383: Hays' Brigade, Ewell's Division - 16 Sep, 10 PM to 17 Sep, 8 AM
Tablet #315: Jackson's Command - 17 Sep, 5 AM to 17 Sep, 10 AM

After the Sharpsburg Campaign

They were on all the campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia for the remainder of the War. They were consolidated with the 5th and 7th Regiments in November 1864, and served to Appomattox.

References & Notes

Source: Sifakis, Stewart, The Compendium of the Confederate Armies, Louisiana, Facts on File, 1995.

We have 47 individuals in the AotW database who were on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:


Co. Rank Name Casualty? Details*
ACorpBolton, J. T.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ACaptCallaway, Allen MorrisonKIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtCook, T. M.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtGilbert, J. R.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtGoings, A. M.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
ASgtJoiner, G. W.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtKendrick, Lucius F.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
ALtLittle, Micajah KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtMorris, S. W.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtSmith, B. J.POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
BCaptO'Connor, Michael WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtCharles, C. POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtFisher, Ulysses W.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
CSgtHanna, Gordon W.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtOger, Pierre MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CCaptRitchie, H. BainMWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtSlone, E. KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtFarnham, Volney L.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtRiley, Thomas Died (a)   09/08     We have some details for this person
EPvtCenas, Augustus MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ELtLynne, George KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtAustin, Frank WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FCorpLarkin, Michael WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FLtMartin, James OwenWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FLtOrr, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtBurce, G. PaulWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GCaptClarke, Frank WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GSgtHeil, John KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GCorpHeintz, Louis MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtRogers, James P.POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtWeis, John WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtCarr, Richard WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtMeckler, Joseph E.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtSafford, Henry S.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ISgtByrnes, Peter WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtMagner, Nicholas KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
KCorpBurns, Edward WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtCurry, Daniel         We have some details for this person
KPvtDunn, P. G.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtHarding, William H.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtHutchings, Andrew J.POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
KCaptManning, William H.        We have some details for this person
KLtRing, George Parker        We have some details for this person
KPvtSullivan, Michael MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtZeller, George MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
F&SMajMonaghan, William         We have some details for this person
F&SColStrong, Henry B.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person


* If there's a symbol in the Details column ...

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