Commanding Officers on the Antietam Campaign:
Col. Charles M. Prevost
LCol. James Gwyn
This Regiment's Chain of Command:
Army - Army of the Potomac
Corps - Fifth Army Corps
Division - 1st Division, 5th Corps
Brigade - 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps
Unit history
At a meeting of the Corn Exchange of Philadelphia, on the 27th of July, 1862, it was resolved to furnish the means necessary to raise a regiment of infantry for service in the national armies. By the 30th of August, the companies were full, and the regiment was organized.
Officers appointed: Charles M. Provost, Colonel; James Gwyn, Lieutenant Colonel; Charles P. Herring, Major.
On the Antietam Campaign
On September 12th the Regiment left Washington on the Maryland campaign. It arrived at the Antietam Creek on the evening of the 16th. During the battle of the 17th, it was held in reserve, and suffered but slight loss.
On the 19th, the division crossed the Potomac at Blackford's Ford, heading for Shepherdstown. It was scarcely over, when the enemy was discovered advancing upon it in heavy force.
The regiment was ordered to a position along the bluff on the far bank of the Potomac. "The first company, on gaining the summit, was deployed as skirmishers, and the rest of the regiment quickly formed. But before the line was perfectly established, the skirmishers were driven in, and an engagement commenced, the enemy coming on in overwhelming numbers. Unsupported, and receiving a concentrated fire from front and flank, the command was subjected to a trying ordeal. Colonel Provost, while carrying the colors to the front, to check a momentary wavering of the line, was severely wounded and carried from the field. The command then devolved upon Lieutenant Colonel Gwyn, who held his position until ordered to re-cross the river, which was accomplished under a galling fire from the triumphant foe, who pressed quickly forward and swarmed on the bluffs. Nearly all of the wounded, and about ninety men beside, fell into the hands of the enemy, and all the dead were left upon the field.
The loss in the engagement was sixty-four killed, one hundred and twenty-four wounded, and ninety-four missing; an aggregate of two hundred and eighty-two out of about eight hundred, who crossed the river on that disastrous day. Captains Courtland, Saunders, and Joseph W. Ricketts, and Lieutenants Mora Moss, and J. Rudhall White, were among the killed, and Captain Callaghan, Lieutenants M'Keen, Lewis, and Smith, and Adjutant Perot, were among the wounded, the latter, with Lieutenant Hand, among the prisoners. For gallantry in this engagement, Colonel Provost was brevetted Brigadier General."
LCol Gwyn reported that during the engagement "... Owing to the worthlessness of our pieces [rifles] (condemned Enfield), not more than 50 percent of which could be discharged, the line began to waver ... " .
Battlefield Tablets for this Unit
Tablet #33: Fifth Army Corps - 15 Sep, 2 PM to 16 Sep, 12 PM
Tablet #18: Morell's Division, Fifth Army Corps - 16 Sep, 12 PM to 17 Sep, 8 AM
Tablet #26: Morell's Division, Fifth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 8 AM to 17 Sep, 2 PM
After the Antietam Campaign
The Regiment served in the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, and others through to Appomattox in April 1865.
References & Notes
Source: Bates, Samuel P., History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871. (online at Pennsylvania in the Civil War); and
OFFICIAL RECORDS; Series 1, Volume 19, Part I (Antietam - Serial 27)
See a post on behindAotW about the Regiment and a modern-day river crossing at Shepherdstown.
We have 273 individuals in the AotW database who were on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:
Co. | Rank | Name | Casualty? | Details* |
A | Pvt | Allen, Richard | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Barry, David H. | KIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Brinton, Joseph E. | POW 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Chambers, Samuel | KIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Fairbrother, Allen | MWIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Farley, James | KIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Gillis, Joseph | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Harmer, Joseph C. | WIA 00/00 | |
A | Pvt | Hestert, John | KIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Hirst, William H. | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Kelly, Thomas F. | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Markley, Francis | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | McCann, John | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | McElroy, John | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Sgt | Murphy, John | MWIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Murphy, Patrick | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Norris, Joseph | POW 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Phillips, Samuel | KIA 09/20 | |
A | Corp | Russell, John | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Corp | Stevens, Philip | POW 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Tibbens, Joseph R. | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Corp | Wilson, James G. | KIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Winters, Joseph H. | WIA 09/20 | |
A | Pvt | Wulf, Julius | POW 09/20 | |
B | Pvt | Barry, John P. | WIA 09/20 | |
B | Pvt | Casteldine, James | KIA 09/20 | |
B | Pvt | Devenny, John | WIA 09/20 | |
B | Pvt | Dick, Henry C. | KIA 09/20 | |
B | Pvt | Jones, Harry | AWOL 10/15 | |
B | Pvt | Kaeb, Henry | KIA 09/20 | |
B | Pvt | McCosker, James | ||
B | Pvt | McGlenn, Hugh | WIA 09/20 | |
B | Pvt | Murray, Robert | AWOL 10/15 | |
B | Pvt | Neel, Thomas Judson | KIA 09/20 | |
B | Pvt | Phillips, Edward A. | KIA 09/20 | |
B | Corp | Sheridan, John H. | WIA 09/20 | |
B | Pvt | Vost, John B. | WIA 09/20 | |
B | Lt | Wilson, James B. | ||
B | Corp | Wray, David P. | WIA 09/20 | |
B | Corp | Young, John D. | AWOL 09/20 | |
C | Sgt | Ashbrook, Joseph | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Burns, James | KIA 09/20 | |
C | Corp | Burroughs, Robert B. | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Carson, Samuel | AWOL 10/20 | |
C | Lt | Crocker, Lemuel L. | ||
C | Pvt | Daval, Bassett | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Davenport, Charles H. | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Dick, George W. | KIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Dougherty, Thomas F. | AWOL 09/12 | |
C | Pvt | Downey, David | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Edwards, William | KIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Fielding, John | POW 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Fraley, John P. | POW 09/20 | |
C | Sgt | Hays, Jr., John | POW 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Hoffner, John D. | AWOL 10/20 | |
C | Pvt | Knockle, Phillip | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Sgt | Larrison, William E. | POW 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Le Blanc, John | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Lehman, Samuel E. | AWOL 10/15 | |
C | Corp | McLaughlin, William F. | WIA/POW 09/20 | |
C | Corp | Michener, John | ||
C | Pvt | Mishaw, Edward | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Moore, Irvin C. | POW 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Ochse, John J. | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Perrine, William | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Corp | Richards, Charles T. | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Sandgram, Jr., M. | POW 09/20 | |
C | Corp | Seesholtz, Isaac H. | WIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Shuler, William | POW 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Swope, William R. | KIA 09/20 | |
C | Corp | Watson, Samuel | MWIA 09/20 | |
C | Sgt | Williams, George W. | ||
C | Sgt | Willingmyre, Charles W. | POW 09/20 | |
C | Sgt | Windle, George | KIA 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Woodcock, William | POW 09/20 | |
C | Pvt | Young, George C. | POW 09/20 | |
D | Sgt | Anderson, Stephen B. | MWIA 09/20 | |
D | Pvt | Baum, Joseph M. | AWOL 09/13 | |
D | Pvt | Field, John | WIA 09/20 | |
D | Corp | Hammel, Henry | KIA 09/20 | |
D | Pvt | Logan, Hugh | WIA 09/20 | |
D | Sgt | Maingay, Robert | MWIA 09/20 | |
D | Sgt | Mayhew, Parker | MWIA 09/20 | |
D | Pvt | Mitchell, James | POW 09/20 | |
D | Pvt | Shmit, Frederick | MWIA 09/20 | |
D | Pvt | Simpson, James A. | KIA 09/20 | |
D | Pvt | Simpson, William H. | POW 09/20 | |
E | Corp | Andress, George | WIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Baker, Thomas M. | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Bruce, Joel R. | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Corp | Connelly, William F. | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Sgt | Daly, Francis | WIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Faulkner, Peter | WIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Fletcher, James | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Gotwalts, Henry R. | POW 09/20 | |
E | Sgt | Haman, James H. | WIA 09/20 | |
E | Lt | Hunterson, John V. | ||
E | Pvt | Johnson, William P. | AWOL 09/22 | |
E | Pvt | Johnston, Thomas K. | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Kramer, John N. | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Lt | Lewis, Samuel N. | WIA 09/20 | |
E | Sgt | Luker, Augustus | ||
E | Pvt | Lutz, Asbury | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Sgt | McCart, Alexander | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | McKnight, Gordon | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Corp | McLachlin, William | POW 09/20 | |
E | Sgt | McLaughlin, Jere | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Moyer, William M. | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Muledore, William H. | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Munch, Henry | POW 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Nickolas, Charles A. | WIA 09/20 | |
E | Capt | Passmore, Levis | ||
E | Pvt | Raw, Charles F. | KIA 09/20 | |
E | Corp | Rex, Levi | POW 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Rhodes, Levi | POW 09/20 | |
E | Corp | Sanford, Richard L. | WIA 09/18 | |
E | Pvt | Smith, Abram J. | POW 09/20 | |
E | Pvt | Smith, Isaac A. | POW 09/20 | |
E | Corp | Stetler, Joseph R. | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Benjamin, Chancellor | MWIA 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Callahan, James R. | WIA 09/17 | |
F | Pvt | Cooper, Charles | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Davis, Thomas | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Downie, William | MWIA 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Eastman, George W. | WIA 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Genn, William | POW 09/20 | |
F | Corp | Green, Samuel S. | KIA 09/20 | |
F | Lt | Hand, Charles H. | POW 09/20 | |
F | Corp | Hill, Robert A. | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Hodge, Samuel | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Hornby, Robert | POW 09/20 | |
F | Sgt | Inman, Barzilia J. | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Keel, Jordan | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Kyle, William | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Long, George W. | KIA 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Longacre, Jacob | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Martin, Ziba | KIA 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Murphy, Thomas | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Osborne, Orson H. | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Picot, Paul | POW 09/20 | |
F | Sgt | Rafferty, John | POW 09/20 | |
F | Corp | Reppert, John | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Reppert, Joseph | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Robertson, Charles | AWOL 09/12 | |
F | Pvt | Rogers, Clarence | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | School, Henry J. | WIA 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Shilling, William | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Taylor, Joseph | POW 09/20 | |
F | Corp | Vandergrift, Fisher H. | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Wermouth, Alfred | POW 09/20 | |
F | Pvt | Woodhouse, Frederick D. | POW 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Allburger, William | WIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Bisberg, George | MWIA 09/20 | |
G | Corp | Black, Robert | POW 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Bowers, Bernhart | AWOL 09/25 | |
G | Pvt | Colflesh, Charles | WIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Crombey, William | ||
G | Sgt | Dauman, Christopher | WIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Dyel, Edward | WIA/POW 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Fithian, William D. | POW 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Fullerton, Charles | POW 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Gilbert, Theodore | KIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Johnson, George | AWOL 09/29 | |
G | Pvt | Johnston, William C. | POW 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Lloyd, Frederick | POW 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Longacre, Alfonzo | WIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | McGuire, William | WIA 09/20 | |
G | Corp | Owen, Evan F. | WIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Peale, Franklin | WIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Quinlan, James | AWOL 09/28 | |
G | Capt | Saunders, Courtland | KIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Sorden, James F. | KIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Troop, Davis | KIA 09/20 | |
G | Pvt | Walton, John L. | AWOL 09/29 | |
G | Lt | West, Jr., William | ||
G | Lt | White, John Rudhall | KIA 09/20 | |
G | Sgt | Willer, William | POW 09/20 | |
H | Pvt | Ashman, Benjamin | KIA 09/20 | |
H | Pvt | Booth, Joseph E. | POW 09/20 | |
H | Sgt | Cassidy, Andrew | POW 09/20 | |
H | Sgt | Coane, Thomas M. | ||
H | Corp | Cobb, Daniel B. | ||
H | Corp | Conner, William | ||
H | Capt | Donaldson, Francis Adams | ||
H | Pvt | Dychs, Frederick R. | AWOL 09/22 | |
H | Pvt | Fisher, John B. | ||
H | Pvt | Fitzpatrick, James | AWOL 09/22 | |
H | Corp | Fullum, John Monteith | MWIA 09/20 | |
H | Pvt | Gale, Henry T. | WIA 09/20 | |
H | Pvt | Gormley, William | AWOL 09/22 | |
H | Pvt | Kirkbride, Frank H. | AWOL 09/14 | |
H | Pvt | Madison, William | WIA 09/20 | |
H | Pvt | McCrea, Henry | AWOL 10/06 | |
H | Pvt | McDonough, John | AWOL 09/19 | |
H | Pvt | McLenaghan, James | WIA 09/20 | |
H | Pvt | Neilson, James | WIA 09/20 | |
H | Corp | O'Neil, Charles | WIA 09/20 | |
H | Pvt | Phinney, William | WIA 09/20 | |
H | Pvt | Slough, Henry | POW 09/20 | |
H | Lt | Smith, Purnell W. | ||
H | Pvt | Steinemyer, George | WIA 09/20 | |
H | Pvt | Tindell, William | AWOL 10/24 | |
H | Pvt | Torrens, William | AWOL 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Allman, Henry | KIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Black, John | POW 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Creelman, William | WIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Dorson, Michael | AWOL 09/21 | |
I | Pvt | Ettinger, Benjamin F. | WIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Francis, Henry | KIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Hamilton, Joseph | KIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Hennis, Robert H. | POW 09/21 | |
I | Pvt | Jones, William J. | AWOL 09/19 | |
I | Pvt | Laskey, John | POW 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Layman, Alfred | WIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Layman, Ephraim | MWIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Madara, William H. | WIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | McDermot, Thomas J. | MWIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | McGarrigal, George | KIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Morrison, Thomas A. | KIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Musselman, John T. | AWOL 09/21 | |
I | Capt | O'Callaghan, Courtney M. | WIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Park, William | WIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Scott, George W. | KIA 09/20 | |
I | Corp | Seiders, Joseph L. | KIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Shit, Frank | POW 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Simons, William N. | KIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Solts, Penrose | POW 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Winnemore, Charles C. | WIA 09/20 | |
I | Pvt | Yeager, George W. | POW 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Alexander, George F. | AWOL 09/21 | |
K | Pvt | Ball, Thomas M. | KIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Brophy, Peter | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Burke, John | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Campbell, Joseph R. | KIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Canon, George D. | MWIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Cole, Christian I. | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Crosby, Henry T. | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Davis, William H. H. | KIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Dennis, Enoch H. | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Eddowes, Thomas I. | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Gabe, William L. | WIA/POW 09/20 | |
K | Corp | Gray, William | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Hallowell, George W. | POW 09/20 | |
K | Corp | Harmer, Francis | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Sgt | Harmer, Joseph R. | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Holt, James P. | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Sgt | Hyatt, Thomas J. | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Kirschenmann, John J. | MWIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Knorr, John | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Lake, Ruben | MWIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | McCanless, George | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Lt | McKean, William | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Montgomery, Andrew | KIA 09/20 | |
K | Lt | Moss, J. Mora | KIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Ogden, Richard | ||
K | Corp | Partenheimer, Phillip | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Sgt | Peck, Henry T. | POW 09/20 | |
K | Sgt | Reynolds, Charles A. | POW 09/20 | |
K | Capt | Ricketts, Joseph W. | KIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Schwoerer, Ambrose | AWOL 10/01 | |
K | Pvt | Smith, Benjamin F. | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Corp | Smith, John L. | ||
K | Sgt | Stiles, Harrison L. | KIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Tyson, Thomas | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Wallace, Alonzo R. | AWOL 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Welch, James | KIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Young, William | WIA 09/20 | |
K | Pvt | Zimmerman, Charles H. | KIA 09/20 | |
F&S | LCol | Gwyn, James | ||
F&S | Maj | Herring, Charles Paine | ||
F&S | Lt | Perot, James Poultney | WIA 09/20 | |
F&S | Col | Prevost, Charles Mallet | WIA 09/20 | |
F&S | QMSgt | Thomas, John J. |
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