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Federal Regiment

28th Pennsylvania Infantry

"Goldstream Regiment"
Organized: Philadelphia, PA; mustered in 6/28/1861
Disbanded/Mustered out: Washington, DC 7/18/1865


Commanding Officer on the Antietam Campaign:
  Maj. Ario Pardee, Jr.


   Enfield Rifle

"The arms were the Enfield rifle with the formidable sword bayonet.
These were obtained of a firm in Philadelphia, who fortunately had them for sale,
else the regiment would have been armed with the ordinary musket,
altered from the flint to percussion lock,
many of which were in possession of the government."
(from Bates)


This Regiment's Chain of Command:
  Army - Army of the Potomac
  Corps - Twelfth Army Corps
  Division - 2nd Division, 12th Corps
  Brigade - 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 12th Corps

Unit history

"Early in June of 1861, John W, Geary obtained permission from President Lincoln to raise, in Pennsylvania, a regiment of volmteers to serve for three yeurs; He accordingly estabished a camp at Oxford Park, in Philadelphia, and on the 28th of that month the Twenty-eighth Regiment, which was uniformed and equipped at his own expense, was being mustered into the service of the United States. The regiment, when completed, consisted of fifteen companies, numbering fifteen hundred and fifty-one officers and men ..."

"From surplus recruits a battery was formed and attached to the regiment, which was known as Knap's Battery of the Twenty-eighth Penasylvania Volunteers. Mr. Charles Knap, of Pittsburg, presented this company with four steel guns, which were subsequently exchanged by the government for six ten-pounder Parrotts. Also connected with the regiment was Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Brass Band."
(from Bates)

Assigned to the Deptartment of the Shenandoah, the Regiment operated in Northern Virginia, around Harpers Ferry, and in the Valley through the summer of 1862. They were then on General Pope's Campaign in Northern Virginia, seeing combat at 2nd Bull Run. They joined the Army of the Potomac, at the start of the Maryland Campaign, in September 1862 along with the rest of the XII (formerly Banks') Corps.

Maps Showing this Unit

Battlefield Tablets for this Unit

Tablet #48: Greene's Division, Twelfth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 12 AM to 17 Sep, 9 AM
Tablet #120: Army of the Potomac - 17 Sep, 5 AM to 17 Sep, 12 PM
Tablet #27: Twelfth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 6 AM to 17 Sep, 12 PM
Tablet #50: Tyndale's Brigade, Greene's Division - 17 Sep, 8 AM to 17 Sep, 10 AM
Tablet #117: Greene's Division, Twelfth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 8 AM to 17 Sep, 9 AM
Tablet #51: Greene's Division, Twelfth Army Corps - 17 Sep, 9 AM to 17 Sep, 12 PM
Tablet #53: Tyndale's Brigade, Greene's Division - 17 Sep, 9 AM to 17 Sep, 12 PM

After the Antietam Campaign

They continued in service with the Army of the Potomac through Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg, then served with the Corps in Georgia, Tennessee, and on the Carolina Campaign. The Regiment had reenlisted December 24, 1863, and veterans were furloughed during January and February 1864.

References & Notes

Sources: Dyer, Frederick H., A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Des Moines, Iowa: The Dyer Publishing Co., 1908; and
Bates, Samuel P., History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg: 1868-1871, extracted online at Pennsylvania in the Civil War by Alice J. Gayley.

We have 161 individuals in the AotW database who were on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:


Co. Rank Name Casualty? Details*
APvtBeahm, Jesse WIA   09/17
APvtClaywell, Reuben KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ACaptFitzpatrick, James C.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtFurry, Charles WIA   09/17
A CorpHorn, William WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtKunkle, Andrew KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ASgtLockhart, John B.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtMaloney, John KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtMcCurley, James D.WIA   09/17
APvtMcKechney, Alexander WIA   09/17
APvtQuinn, Patrick KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtSonn, Joseph WIA   09/17
A PvtYost, Samuel R.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BSgtArmor, William C.WIA   09/17
BPvtAustin, Morrison WIA   09/17
BPvtBorlin, Albert WIA   09/17
BSgtBoyd, Lester W.WIA   09/17
BPvtBrown, John WIA   09/17
BPvtClair, Jesse MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtCronemay, Simon WIA   09/17
BPvtDunsmore, John WIA   09/17
BPvtEicher, Jacob M.WIA   09/17
BPvtEvans, Walter MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BSgtGhrist, John S.WIA   09/17
BPvtHough, William G.WIA   09/17
BPvtJordan, Charles C.WIA   09/17
BCaptJordan, William M.WIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
BPvtKessler, Andrew J.WIA   09/17
BPvtKing, Eli W.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtKough, Archibald M.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BCorpLemon, Thomas H.WIA   09/17
BPvtLongsduf, David J.WIA   09/17
BLtMarkle, Joseph C.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtMartin, Abraham WIA   09/17
BPvtMechling, Benjamin F.WIA   09/17
BCorpMetzler, James WIA   09/17
BPvtMorrison, Austin Died (d)   11/02     We have some details for this person
BPvtOverholt, Abraham F.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtOverholt, George W.WIA   09/17
BPvtReese, Henry WIA   09/17
BPvtRumbaugh, Isaac MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtShuler, Jacob R.WIA   09/17
BCorpSmith, John WIA   09/17
BPvtSnyder, James WIA   09/17
BPvtSnyder, William S.WIA   09/17
BPvtSteck, Samuel R.WIA   09/17
BSgtSteiner, Sylvester WIA   09/17
BPvtStudebaker, Jacob WIA   09/17
BPvtThomas, William R.WIA   09/17
BCorpWalker, Charles H.WIA   09/17
BPvtWhite, Harrison MWIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
BPvtWright, William WIA   09/17
BPvtZuck, Jacob R.WIA   09/17
CPvtAnker, Herman WIA   09/17
CPvtBoeckle, Richard WIA   09/17
CPvtCallihan, James WIA   09/17
CPvtGreen, William WIA   09/17
CPvtKeefe, Owen KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CCaptLaws, Peter F.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtRefior, Henry KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtReynolds, Emmor KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtSloan, George WIA   09/17
CPvtSmith, James C.WIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
CPvtWonderley, Charles E.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtAshton, William HarrisonKIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtCarter, William Died (d)   11/18     We have some details for this person
DPvtCorrigan, Hugh KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtDavis, Robert G.WIA   09/17
DCorpHayward, Ambrose Henry        We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
DCorpOrth, Jacob GeorgeWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DPvtRaines, Edward WIA   09/17
DPvtRitter, George J.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ECorpBeers, Jr., Jacob WIA   09/17
EPvtBoyle, Edward WIA   00/00
EPvtBrennan, Richard WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtBurns, Patrick WIA   09/17
EPvtCampbell, John MIA (r)   09/17     We have some details for this person
ECaptChapman, Lansford F.WIA   09/17
ESgtLaurish, Simon F.WIA   09/17
ESgtLynch, James KIA   09/17
EPvtNuss, Jacob KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtRawley, Harrison KIA   09/17
EPvtWalker, John J.WIA   09/17
EPvtWhittingham, A. WIA   09/17
FPvtBaumgardner, Edward WIA   09/17
FPvtBeer, Thomas WIA   09/17
FPvtJones, Watkins KIA   09/17
FPvtKeister, Alfred L.Died (d)   11/28     We have some details for this person
FPvtKelly, John WIA   09/17
FSgtMcCloskey, Thomas KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtMcMullen, Alexander J.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtParker, John A.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtWatt, Edward F.KIA   09/17
GPvtAugdale, William WIA   09/17
GPvtBryan, Benjamin WIA   09/17
GSgtGrady, George WIA   09/17
GPvtHard, James WIA   09/17
GPvtRichey, William C.KIA   09/17
GPvtSherman, Moses MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GCorpTracy, John D.KIA   09/17
GCorpTraville, James B.KIA   09/17
HCorpMarshall, James WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtMartigney, Leon D.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtMerriman, John WIA   09/17
HPvtStribig, Joseph KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HCorpYoest, Charles WIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
ILtBorbridge, Charles W.        We have some details for this person
IPvtBroadhurst, John WIA   09/17
IPvtHackett, Andrew WIA   09/17
IPvtRofe, William WIA   09/17
KPvtBastin, John WIA   09/17
KPvtBates, George WIA   09/17
KPvtBoyers, Josiah WIA   09/17
KPvtHaines, George KIA   09/17
KPvtMadden, James KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtMcCleary, Hugh KIA   09/17
LPvtBlackhead, Adam KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
LPvtMarshall, John KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
LCorpPenn, George KIA   09/17
LCorpRobb, Leander A.WIA   09/17
LSgtSmith, Robert R.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
MCorpBaer, James WIA   09/17
MPvtBakencamp, Charles B.WIA   09/17
MSgtBlack, William H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
MPvtMcCurdy, James MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
MPvtSchaffer, Lewis MIA (n)   09/17     We have some details for this person
NPvtCarpenter, Jesse B.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
NPvtDowda, Robert O.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
NPvtEdinger, William A.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
NPvtHamilton, James KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
NPvtHoover, John KIA   09/17
NPvtHughes, George KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
NPvtKnappenberger, Charles MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
NCorpLindsey, Joseph H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
NPvtMcCormick, John MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
NCorpO'Connor, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
NPvtWilliams, August WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
OPvtBarber, Alexander R.AWOL   09/18
OPvtCannon, Thomas MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
OPvtCedars, Joseph AWOL   09/18
OPvtDavis, James W.WIA   09/17
OPvtDuffy, John P.WIA   09/17
OPvtJohns, Jesse KIA   09/17
OPvtKlepser, Andrew J.KIA   09/17
OPvtLamp, David KIA   09/17
OPvtMorningstar, John MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
OPvtTurley, Hugh WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
OPvtWilliams, Richard MWIA   09/14     We have some details for this person
PPvtAyres, George W.WIA   09/17
PPvtBabcock, Peter J.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
PPvtBarnard, Charles H.WIA   09/17
PSgtBatton, William H.WIA   09/17
PPvtCoggins, Edward H.MWIA   09/17
PPvtCostello, Charles MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
PPvtFlood, Edward KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
PPvtHart, Thomas KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
PPvtHoffman, Gustavus A.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
PPvtMullen, Robert M.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
PPvtSloanaker, George W.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
F&SMajPardee, Jr, Ariovistus         We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
F&SMajRaphael, William         We have some details for this person


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