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Confederate Regiment

8th Louisiana Infantry


Commanding Officer on the Sharpsburg Campaign:
  Maj. Trevanion D. Lewis


This Regiment's Chain of Command:
  Army - Army of Northern Virginia
  Corps - Jackson's Command
  Division - Ewell's Division
  Brigade - Hays' Brigade

Map Showing this Unit

Battlefield Tablets for this Unit

Tablet #314: Jackson's Command - 15 Sep, 4 PM to 16 Sep, 10 PM
Tablet #326: Ewell's Division, Jackson's Command - 15 Sep, 6 PM to 16 Sep, 10 PM
Tablet #342: Hays' Brigade, Ewell's Division - 16 Sep, 10 PM to 17 Sep, 8 AM
Tablet #383: Hays' Brigade, Ewell's Division - 16 Sep, 10 PM to 17 Sep, 8 AM
Tablet #315: Jackson's Command - 17 Sep, 5 AM to 17 Sep, 10 AM

We have 85 individuals in the AotW database who were on the Maryland Campaign with this unit:


Co. Rank Name Casualty? Details*
ALtCooke, William E.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtGarto, Joseph MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtGibbons, Anthony KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ACaptGusman, Antoine Leopold        We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
APvtGusman, Pierre St. Leon        We have some details for this person
APvtLobel, Manuel WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
APvtWatson, Lewis WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtBoyd, David POW   09/19     We have some details for this person
BCaptCurrent, Jr., Robert KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtDoherty, John POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtGuillou, Able POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtIngles, Charles MWIA   09/12     We have some details for this person
BPvtLeiboltz, Frank KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BPvtNelson, Frank KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BCorpOlff, Charles KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
BSgtWalthall, H. ThomasWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtCoudroy, Anatole WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtGoodroy, A. POW   09/19     We have some details for this person
CPvtLe Blanc, Edouard KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtMalagarie, Baptiste WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
CPvtPatin, J. AlphonseKIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DCaptHarney, Frank M.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
DCorpLogan, Charles WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtBaggett, Samuel V.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtBiglow, Ira G.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtComerchi, John WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtEllis, Joseph A. K. B.POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtGrant, Matthew KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtMiller, George W.        We have some details for this person
ELtMontgomery, Robert WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtRaney, James W.POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
EPvtShamblin, James WileyWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtAnselm, Amos K.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FSgtChachere, Alexander B.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtDavid, Jules WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtFontenot, Theophile MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtGuillory, Arstile POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
FSgtHudson, John P.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FSgtLewis, William CrowWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtParker, Ebenezer D.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
FPvtRousseau, Louis WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
FCorpSavant, Oneil WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
FLtSlaughter, Richard H.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtKeough, Miles F.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtLewis, William S.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtMurrel, John P.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GSgtMurrel, Perry J.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtPinkard, James J.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtPratt, Clarence ByronWIA/POW   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
GPvtSears, Richard WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtTalton, H. W.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtTrammell, Thomas MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtWilliams, Charles F.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
GPvtWilliams, John SimonPOW   09/17     We have some details for this person
GLtWren, George Lovick PierceWIA   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
HPvtBrennon, Charles KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HSgtChitty, Allen H.WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtChrist, George WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtClark, William J.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtEdwards, William E.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtGardner, Thomas S.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtGraham, Richard WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HSgtLoftus, Andrew VousdanKIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtLondeneaux, John WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
HPvtRutledge, Joseph R.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtAdams, Thomas JeffersonPOW   09/12     We have some details for this person
IPvtCarter, Solomon WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtCormick, John KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtDuffel, Martin V.B.WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtHenderson, John KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtHudson, William H.KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtMcCrillis, John KIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
ICorpRyan, John WIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtThornsbury, William WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
IPvtTibbetts, Silas POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtDuplessis, Pierre N.MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtGrilhi, Charles MWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtHill, Robert WilliamWIA/POW   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtMenslage, Christopher WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtMollere, Arthur WIA   09/17     We have some details for this person
KPvtNavarre, Adam POW   09/18     We have some details for this person
KCaptSt. Martin, Victor JosephWIA/POW   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
KSgtTaylor, Thomas WIA/POW   09/17     We have a picture for this person We have some details for this person
F&SSgtMajHamilton, Everard J.        We have some details for this person
F&SMajLewis, Trevanion DudleyWIA   09/17     We have some details for this person


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We have further details for this person - We have details beyond name and rank
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